Chapter 6. Painkillers

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Rory's POV

I woke up about 30 minutes ago while a nurse was doing my check-up. None of my brothers or sisters were with me but the nurse explained that I had multiple family members injured and that she would find someone to come see me after calling a doctor. 

The doctor only looked at the machine next to me and checked my stitches. I learned that I was shot in the stomach but I don't really remember it. 

The last thing I remember was being outside with Zane at my party and then black. The doctor said that was normal though due to trauma and shock. 

A few minutes after the doctor left Riley came in with Grandma behind her. 

"Hey, guys." I smile at them, happy to see they are both okay. Grandma looks a little frazzled but happy to see me, Riley is in the hospital smocks basically, and gives me a smile but something is wrong.

"Hey, Ro."

"Hello, Rory."

Both Grandma and Riley take a seat around my hospital bed. 

"How is everyone?" I ask once they get settled. 

"Everyone for the most part is okay," Grandma tells me vaguely before looking at Riley. I see Riley gulp before she nervously licks her lips. 

"What is it?"

"Blake was shot in the attack near his heart. He was put into a medically induced coma to let him heal better." She tells me. 

"How is Jake? Is he handling it okay?" I don't imagine he is doing well but I hope he is not in too bad of shape. 

"Jake is with him now. Zane was also shot if you remember. I'm not sure of his whole condition but he is out of surgery but they haven't been able to get ahold of his parents yet."

"Can I see him?" I panic a little knowing this he is all alone with no idea when someone will come and see him. 

"I will ask your doctor,  you need to take it easy," Grandma says. I calm down a little knowing there is a chance and I can at least get Grandma to check on him.  Grandma grabs my hand squeezing it before leaving the room.

"Rory that's not all." I look at Riley fearing the worse. It isn't until now that I notice that she hasn't mentioned Ruby or Ryan. 

"During the attack, we were both hidden at some point. Ruby and Ryan weren't. They were taken."

Taken. 2 out of my 3 triplets are missing. 

"Who took them?" Is the only thing I can get out.

"I don't know yet. Dad, Oliver, and Grandpa left just before you woke up to go and question someone involved in the attack. When they get back we will know more about what happened."

"Are they going to be okay?" I know she can't answer that but I want to go back to my childhood when Riley would hold me and tell me everything was gonna be alright. 

"Of course they are. Dad has people working right now to find them. Uncle Azazel has people looking. Ashton's dad has people looking. We're gonna find them and they are gonna be okay. Everything we will work out in the end." I think she was more trying to convince herself but it worked on me. 

"What is Ashton's dad gonna do?"

"Ashton's Dad is the don of the Russian mafia. It's how Dad knows him." I nod thinking that it was crazy how three mafias were so close together, despite Uncle Azazel not living here. 

A knock on the door interrupts us. I say come in to see Grandma there smiling at me. 

"Rory you have to stay the night for observation, but your doctor has allowed you to see Zane." I nod happily. Grandma reaches for something outside the door and wheels in a wheelchair for me to use.

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