Chapter 29: A Change of Heart part 2

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Trigger Warning: alludes to abuse and a brief mention of child loss. 


I woke with a groan trying to remember what happened. 


I sat up quickly causing my head to spin. 

"Easy Scott." 


I look toward him. 

"You're still poisoned even though a good portion of the Kanima Venom is out of your system. You'll be kind of lethargic for a bit." 

I nodded looking around. 

I'm at the Stilinski's

"Is it alright that I'm here?"

Doubt coming out in my voice. I said some pretty nasty things to Stiles under Allison's control. Stuff  I'd like to apologize for, but I will not force him to talk with me though. 

"You're fine, Scott."


He walked in front of me. 

"We need to talk about everything. Do you think you're up for that?"

He looks different. Happier. His mate must be doing good things for him. They must be a good person if Lydia, the twins, and Jackson joined him.  Have their own, hopefully, nontoxic pack. 


He took a seat across from me. He's going to do the thing where he observes my face looking for tells to make sure I'm not lying. His superpower against werewolves and other supernatural creatures. 

"So for starters, you're probably wondering why I'm in your house." 

He just nodded. 

"Um... so I guess I start at the beginning. I was having a sit-down conversation with my Mom and Deaton. Turns out they're mates. I ran into them having a date previously. I got so angry because I thought she forgot about my dad. I just stormed off not giving them time to explain and probably ruining their night. So we were having dinner the other night and they told me their story. I learned that my dad is a complete asshole. He forced my mother into a relationship, into marriage. He was dead set on having children and wouldn't take no for an answer. Said he only wanted sons...."

"But you can't control gender."

Of course, his ADHD would bypass his attempts to fake a brain-to-mouth filter. 

" Exactly, so he told my mom they'd give up any daughter they had. Of course that sparked my curiosity and I asked my mom. I had an older sister. She was an angel baby."


"I'm so sorry, Scott."

I gave him a small smile. He's slowly realizing that my whole life changed in a day. In one conversation. I tried to reign in my composure, my thoughts so I could finish explaining. So Stiles can speak his thoughts. 

"I also learned that my mom and Deaton met by chance while she was married to my dad and the only reason they stopped meeting was because she got pregnant with me. I guess they had been writing to each other first. Something I've never done. I brought up that fact to them during our conversation. That I never wrote to Allison because I swore "I just knew" we were mates. Deaton realized that I was acting similar to Derek when he was with Kate and gave me some sort of shot that dispelled whatever control Alison had over me. The only catch was that I had to stay away from Allison. So I locked myself in my room over the week unnecessarily worrying my mom. This morning I thought I'd try to lessen her worrying by going for a run in the preserve, which unfortunately Allison tracked me to this morning. I was doing what I could to get away from her. Getting out of the situation. I didn't get out of the way fast enough and she lodged an arrow between my shoulder blades that was coated in some form of poison and kanima venom." 

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