Chapter 16: Interlude III

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(Trigger Warning: mentions/alludes to nonconsensual sex)

Being bullied into a relationship was immediately a big red flag that Melissa should've considered when she met Rafael McCall. Though she knew he wasn't her mate, she couldn't help but get swept up in the feeling of that first crush. It was stu[id she knows, but when hormones are involved she believes fighting them is useless. In high school, he was hot. He was the guy that everyone wanted and he picked her. HER. Melissa Delgado. She took it in stride of course. Before she knew it, one month turned into two turned into a year. A year turned into two and her parents started asking them when they were going to get married. At this point, Melissa was starting to lose herself. She began to wear more "modest" clothing. Long sleeves, jeans, leaving her hair down to cover as much skin as possible. Rafael's an addict. She tried to break up with him before the two-year mark. However, his actions and his response scared her into staying. She made a mistake. She chose a narcissist over waiting for her mate. When she tried to explain to Rafael and her parents her decision in declining his marriage proposal due to the fact that they weren't mates. Well, let's just say the outcome wasn't pretty. 

"Melissa, will you do the honor of marrying me?" 




"What do you mean, NO?!"

Turning from the devil down on one knee, Melissa caught sight of her parents. 

"Rafael, you are not my soulmate." 

"Soulmate or not you will marry him." Melissa's mother commented 

"I wasn't gifted a soulmate. I choose you to be mine, Melissa. Which means, we are to be wed." Rafael stated slipping the engagement ring on Melissa's finger. The first instance where he blatantly ignored the word NO. Another red flag. 

So, they got married. Had a small courtroom wedding. Then Rafael decided they would grow their family. Melissa stated constantly she wasn't ready, but her protests fell on deaf ears. The longer it took Melissa to get pregnant, the more irate Rafael got. The more he turned to his addictions. His alcoholism being the strongest. He wanted a son. Told her as much. 

"We are to have a son." 

"And if we end up with a daughter?"

"That's not fair. She'd be our child to love and protect." 

Again her concerns fell on deaf ears. Melissa felt trapped in her own home. In her relationship. So when she could, normally once Rafael fell into an alcoholic coma, she left. Tried to get time to herself. Wnt to the nearest park and thought about her life choices. Often cried about what she did. She hated that she didn't just wait for her soulmate.  She told them as much each time she got the chance to write to them. 

I'm sorry for my poor decision making. 

Do explain. 

I'm now married to an abusive man. 

That's not your fault, Dear.

It is because I started dating him in the first place. 

If you expect me to be mad at you, I'm not. 

On one of those many "self-reflecting" trips Melissa took, a man found her crying on the bench. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Just upset with the way my life turned out."

"Is it your mate?" 
"No, I'm not even married to my mate." 

Melissa broke down more. She had enough self hatred to fill a black hole. THe man gently placed a hand of comfort on her shoulder. Both froze in place as the shock, almost like a spark of electricity, passed between the two. Melissa and this stranger were mates. They met by chance. Right place, wrong time. 

"This is unexpected." 


"I'm Melissa." 


From then on whenever possible, the two met up. Normally at night after Rafael's fallen unconscious. Well until Melissa fell pregnant with Scott. 


You seem desperate dear

I'm pregnant with Rafael's child.

Are you alright?

Happy about the child, though I do wish it was yours

I wish so as well, though the Goddess puts things into play for a reason. Focus on your child, Melissa. Keep in contact when you can. We'll see each other again. 


Picking up food for Allison and I's movie date. She wanted steaks, something fancy. I called in an order before I left. Now I'm just going to pick it up. As I waited for the hostess to bring up my order I hear a familiar laugh. 


I glanced around the restaurant finding her sitting at a table and across from her sat Deaton. 

Why is she having a meal with Deaton?

I walked right up to their table. 

"Mom, what are you doing?" 

They stopped mid-conversation and looked at me. Embarrassment and guilty scents filled the air. 


"No, what's going on? I thought you had a late shift tonight. But instead, you're here with Deaton." 

"Scott, if you would let your mother and I explain..." 
"Are you on a date? What the hell." 


"No," I stated storming out and forgoing the food altogether. 

Are they together? Is that the reason Dad left? Because she cheated on him with Deaton? Cheated on her mate with Deaton. He's my boss. He's supposed to be my mentor and Emissary. I don't...... 



I looked up. I'm back at Allison's. 


"Oh... I.... Sorry." 

"Are you okay?"

"Not really, everything is going to shit. When I went to pick up dinner. I stumbled across my mom and Deaton on what looked like a date." 

"uh.huh." she hummed pulling me towards the bed. 

"It's just. She cheated on my dad with Deaton. With my boss. I...." 

She's not even listening to me. Maybe I should call Stiles. He can help me figure out if  I'm overthinking. Blowing stuff out of proportion. I .... Where's my phone. 

"Shush, we just need to get that anger out." Allison said pushing me to my back and getting on top of me as she threw my phone off to the side before removing her shirt. 

Yeah..... No Scott. Bad, focus. 

"Allison now's not really a good time for this. I just stumbled across something life-altering okay. I need to go talk it out with Stiles. ...." 

I didn't get to finish my sentence as she kissed me. 

"Now why would you talk to Stiles about something stupid like that. Especially since you kicked him out of the pack. Besides, he might just tell you to kill Deaton. I bet he set that up on purpose, to fuck with your brain. 

She could be right..... ugh my brain feels like it's swimming in mud or thick fog.......

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