Chapter 21: Interlude IV part 2

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On Christopher Argents' 16 birthday he woke up to find a black x on his inner wrist. Rare, but an indicator of not being assigned a mate. He sighed. His sister, Kate, had a mate, and his parents were mates. Maybe the Goddess has other plans for him. Like his mother always says "Good things come to those who wait." 

Of course, his father had to use Christopher's misfortune to his advantage. Kate has shown that she will not be a great matriarch and well the Argent clan will need an heir. A daughter to carry on the hunter's legacy. Gerard  Argent has been in contact with several hunter clans. Only one being of real interest to him. The Hendricksons. They had one child. A daughter with all of the qualities of a leader he was looking for. Gerard realized the only way to get what he needs/wants. Christopher doesn't have a mate so an arranged marriage is the way to go. 


Christopher and Victoria weren't compatible. How could they be? Chris had no want to even be in this relationship. For one, Victoria wasn't his type and Christopher Argent had a type. One Gerard made sure his son knew he didn't approve. No his type wasn't werewolves, it was men. Two. Victoria was only in the marriage for power. She was learning how to be the perfect matriarch for the Argent Clan. They had a big wedding where Victoria made sure to announce to everybody, including her new husband, that she was pregnant. Chris was already bullied into this marriage, not only by Gerard but by Victoria as well. 


Finally, Chris has been able to separate his family from Gerard and Kate. Unfortunately, he hasn't been successful in keeping his daughter away from them or manipulated by her mother. Allison's never been very close with Chris. She's always been a Momma's girl. Those two are close, even with Victoria's strict parenting. Chris moved his family to Beacon Hills. He knows his sister was here six years prior. Hunting in her own ways. However, being here felt different than many of the other places he's lived in his life. Like something good was going to happen. A change. 

That change came apparent on a random Friday afternoon. The Argents had been in Beacon Hills for a month at this point. Chris had agreed to pick up the groceries this time around. as he was walking into the store he ran full-on into a body. Electric tingles shook him to his core. He had a soulmate? But to Chris, that couldn't be possible his marking said so. Chris looked up to apologize to the person he ran into seeing a man a year or two older than himself. When he caught the man's eyes his world shifted and everything clicked. 

"I'm sorry." Chris apologized to the man noticing his uniform. This is the Sheriff of the town. 

Sheriff Noah Stilinski felt the electricity as well, how could he ever forget the feeling of touching your soulmate. He got it every time he touched his wife before she passed. But at that moment getting that feeling from someone else, an unfamiliar man at that, he didn't know what to do. He panicked. Left the cute man who apologized for bumping into him. Noah just left and went back to work to sit in his office and process. 

For Chris, he didn't know how to feel once the sheriff left. But he did know that they at least had to talk. By now grocery shopping has left Chris' mind. He got in his car and drove to the police station. When he got there everyone was hustling and bustling too busy to notice Chris sneak over to the Sheriff's office. Through the window, he could see the Sheriff with his head in his hands. Quickly Chris slipped into the office shutting the door behind him and closing the blinds as well. 

"What  do you want?" 

"To talk," Chris spoke sitting down on the couch in the office. Noah sighed looking at the man. 

"I know you felt the spark too. I just want to know why you recoiled." 

"I had a mate, my wife. She passed six years ago."

"I'm sorry."

Noah rubbed a hand down his face before standing up and walking over to the couch where the Goddess gave him a new puzzle piece to fit into his heart. Where a man who curled in on himself sits. 

"What's your name?" 

"Chris Argent." 

"Argent... You're new to town right? I think my son has mentioned something to me about your daughter being new. Well, I assume she's your daughter, Allison," 

"She is."

"My name is Noah by the way. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or unwanted." 

"I was born without a soulmate. When I was 16 an x showed up on my wrist and my father saw it as a way to gain power. Get me in line. Doesn't like the fact that I'm gay some decided to squash that part of me too. Forced me to marry my wife." 

Noah didn't know what to do with this information. His second mate is a married man with a daughter. 

"I'm not going to take you away from your daughter." 

"You won't. But I've never had this feeling before. Noah, I don't know... Can I kiss you?" 


"Can I kiss you?" I'm so timid right now. Is the Goddess actually providing me with a mate right now? With a chance to be my true self? In response to my question Noah leaned over and kissed me. Fireworks. That's all I can think to describe this feeling. I just deepened the kiss and he let me. Getting lost in the feeling, he laid me down on the couch. He moved to my neck just kissing and nipping at the skin. His hands slipped under my shirt and causing me to arch up into him and wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Christopher, stop thinking. Just let it happen." 

"Your deputies are right outside the door, Noah." 

"Then I guess you just have to be quiet."


After that Noah and I continued to sneak out like teenagers. Hell like Allison and Scott. Just to have a date night or coffee without Stiles or my family finding out.  Now we don't have to hide anymore. Stiles was very accepting of us, but Allison wasn't very happy. Noah texted me earlier telling me that he passed Alison on the way here so she's either going to Scott's or speaking with Stiles and I'm not sure which she is doing. 

"Hey, what's on your mind?" 

I glanced towards the front door seeing Noah closing it behind him. 

"Taking a trip down memory lane." 


"Specifically the first time we met. Our first time together."

"I ran from you in a panic that day." 

"Like father like son." 

Noah smacked me outside the head as he rounded the couch and came to sit next to me chuckling, "You did not just say that."

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