Chapter 5: 50/50 chance

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Great. Just Great. Stiles cond Lydia into calling me for him. COWARD. Just because he wants to talk. He's got Lydia wrapped so tightly around his fingers that she's basically his puppet. Now Stiles is coming over today at 2 to just have a discussion. I'm not sitting in his presence alone. I invited Allison over. He harmed her, almost killed her, and has the nerve to believe we're still best friends. I don't know why he hasn't taken the hint yet. He hangs around the pack like he still thinks he's a part of it like we want him here. Honestly, we don't, we don't even need him. 


I looked over to Allison who was standing in the doorway. She must've just arrived. To caught up in my head to hear her come down the street. 

"Hey." I smiled walking over to her. 

"Everything alright? Your eyes kept flashing. You seem angry." 

"Stiles is coming over at 2." 

"Ew, why?"

"To talk he said." 


"I assume the Nogitsune and his actions."

"I hope he's just coming to apologize and that's it."

"I hope so too Ally. I don't know what I'll do if it's longer than that." 

"Hurt him I'm sure. And even though he deserves it, we don't want the Sheriff becoming suspicious. Which is why I'll try to make sure you don't hurt him."

"Thanks, babe." 
"No problem, Scott," she said giving me a kiss. Man, I love her. 


"Lydia, I don't want to do this." 
"Relax, you can't back out now." 

"Yes, I can." 

"Nope, too late you have a set time and it's 1:30 now. We got to get going." 

Nope, no way this ends well. Why did I agree to do this? Why did I let her talk me into it? Right, she didn't my soulmate suggested it and I decided to get it done and over with. Just rip off the bandaid. Now my anxiety is acting up. My gut's saying that this conversation is going to go badly. I don't know how it'll go badly, but it will. Most likely in my favor.


I glanced at Lydia with a small smile. 

"I know it's scary. I know your anxious that it'll go bad."

"Because it will." 

"So what. At least you got it out in the open. At least they've heard your piece. Now it'll be in their hands, what they'll want to do with the information you give them. " 

I nodded. She's right, like always. I grabbed my keys, locked up, and we headed out towards Scott's.  With every mile closer, my stomach dropped lower. At least I have Lydia and a new relationship blooming. 


We arrived and I did the polite thing and knocked. Nothing. 

Rang the doorbell. Nothing. 

"Scott!"  Nothing. Lydia barged right in. I followed behind her. 

"Scott!" Lydia shouted. An aggravated huff and footsteps were heard from upstairs. 

"Down in a minute," he said it like it's an inconvenience to him. We could have this conversation in his room. But we respected his wishes. About 10 minutes later Scott came down followed by Allison. She looked a bit of a mess. She also looked very annoyed. Sorry, we decided on a time this morning. Sorry, we need to talk. Don't mean to interrupt your intimate time with Scott. They plopped their asses down on the couch and looked at me. Just waiting, slightly impatient. 

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