Chapter 7: Artistic Dreams

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Bloom walked along the bustling streets of New York, her throat constricted by unshed tears. She kept her gaze lowered, avoiding eye contact with any passersby. The emotional weight of everything was overwhelming, leaving her mentally drained. Stella's hurtful words echoed in her mind, each one a painful stab. Among the many things she said, the mention of a 'spy' that reminded her of Avalon- from the day she had realized he was a spy for Lord Darkar, was the most shocking to hear her friend mention. It left Bloom feeling a mix of confusion and devastation. What if Stella was right, and her inner darkness had resurfaced? What if she had slipped into a trance, a puppet to some unknown force, just like when Lord Darkar had controlled her in the past? The memories of that time were a traumatic blur, gaps in her memory that still haunted her.

Taking a deep breath, Bloom sought solace in the natural park. Her Winx watch buzzed incessantly with messages, likely from Stella. She silenced the vibrations, yearning for a moment of tranquility. As she entered the park, she noticed tire tracks on the grass, evidence of a car having driven there. The tracks led to a large pond, where the moon's ethereal light danced on the water's surface. The sight inspired her, and she summoned her pink tablet with a snap of her fingers. Seated on a weathered wooden bench, she began to sketch the serene scene illuminated by the moon. Surprisingly, despite her past trauma with darkness, she felt a newfound calm. It could be the jumble of emotions currently occupying her mind that overshadowed her fear, but she welcomed this as a personal triumph over her fear of darkness.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure darted across the periphery of her vision. Her heart leapt into her throat, racing at a hundred miles an hour. The sense of panic that had been simmering beneath the surface now surged forth. Lowering her tablet onto the bench, she conjured a fireball, its gentle glow offering a small sphere of light in the encroaching darkness.

"Hello?!" Her voice trembled with both fear and a flicker of defiance, but no response came. A rustle of leaves, the snap of a twig – each sound set her on edge. She reacted instinctively, whirling around and launching a fireball into the shadows. The orb of fire illuminated the night, revealing empty space. The fireball hit a tree with a thud, leaving a scorched mark on its trunk.

As her pulse pounded in her ears, Bloom's apprehension escalated. She couldn't discern if this was another mind game, similar to the bathroom incident, or if there was a genuine presence lurking in the darkness. Turning cautiously to retrieve her tablet, she felt a jarring impact against the back of her head, and then all went black.


Aisha winced as her wounds were tended to by Flora. The pain was hard to ignore, but she tried her best not to show it on her face. Flora worked diligently, cleaning and stitching each wound with careful expertise. Despite the discomfort, Aisha appreciated Flora's care and dedication.

Meanwhile, Musa had taken on the role of the mood lifter. Her fingers danced over the controls of a small portable music player, filling the room with the sweet melodies of Elisa Tides, a renowned singer from Andros. Aisha's fondness for Elisa's music was no secret among the Winx. The uplifting tunes began to weave a sense of comfort into the room, momentarily distracting Aisha from her pain.

Aisha's mind wandered back to simpler times, memories of her and her dear friend Ann sharing secret moments while listening to Elisa's music. They would huddle in a hidden spot, giggling and singing along in hushed voices, careful not to get caught. Those memories were treasures now, cherished fragments of a past that felt distant yet precious.

The strains of the music lifted her spirits, and Aisha found herself smiling at Musa. "You always know how to cheer me up, Musa," she said, her gratitude shining in her eyes.

Musa returned the smile, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Everything for my bestie," she replied, her words laced with warmth. The bond between the Winx was more than just friendship; it was a connection built on trust, shared experiences, and unwavering support.

Ever since Ann's departure from Andros, Aisha found herself unable to imagine her life without her new friends. Joining the Winx had been a turning point, the best decision she had ever made. They had become her family, her anchor in a world filled with challenges and uncertainties. Looking back, she realized that they had saved her from not only physical dangers but also from the darkness that had once haunted her.

As Aisha's mind wandered through these thoughts, a sense of gratitude washed over her. The Winx had given her a sense of belonging, a purpose beyond her wildest dreams. The memories of their battles, their laughter, and their unbreakable bond reassured her that she was never alone.

Her contemplation, however, was interrupted by the absence of Stella for an unusually long time. She wondered if Stella had gone to find Bloom after their argument. Aisha couldn't help but sympathize with both sides. The argument had felt like an explosion of emotions, and Stella's mention of the darkness had cut deep. She understood the trauma they had all experienced under the influence of Lord Darkar.

"Hey, girls... am I the only one who's noticed that Stella seems really stressed lately? And going so hard on Bloom... I've never seen her like this before, especially with bringing up, you know..." Aisha's voice trailed off, the memory of Lord Darkar's malevolent presence causing a shiver to run down her spine. The darkness that had once engulfed them all was not something anyone could easily forget.

Tecna's response was thoughtful. "Your analysis is accurate, Aisha."

Musa, always attuned to emotions, chimed in. "Yeah, it's not just Stella. Both Stella and Bloom have been acting... off. Their melodies don't seem harmonious, if you ask me."

Flora, finishing the last stitch on Aisha's arm, sighed softly. "The best thing we can do for them right now is give them space. Let them sort things out on their own terms."

Tecna nodded in agreement. "Flora's right. They'll come to us when they're ready to talk."


Bloom gradually opened her eyes, a sharp pain resonating from the back of her head. Her vision was hazy, and the world around her seemed distorted. Struggling to make out the details, she could discern the presence of someone standing before her, their silhouette framed by the blurred surroundings.

"So, fairy..." a sinister voice echoed in the air, carrying a weight of menace.

Bloom's head throbbed, her thoughts struggling to coalesce. She attempted to push herself up from the ground, only to be met with a cruel weakness in her muscles. Her body felt like it was betraying her, leaving her helpless and vulnerable to whatever was unfolding before her.

As the voice continued to speak, its words forming an eerie melody, Bloom's attention was focused solely on listening. The voice demanded information, seeking to extract the whereabouts of the next talent. She strained to respond, her voice a mere whisper in the wind.

"I-I don't know..." Bloom's voice quivered, her words barely audible.

A sigh filled the air, followed by the sound of footsteps. Bloom's blurry vision struggled to make sense of the figure turning away. Slowly, recognition dawned upon her—the talent thief with the yellow hood. The very same enigmatic assailant who had disrupted Annabelle's performance. He opened a portal, its radiant light briefly illuminating Bloom's surroundings before engulfing him entirely. In an instant, he was gone, leaving behind a sense of emptiness.

As the light receded, Bloom's eyes shut involuntarily against the residual brightness. A moment later, the rain began to fall, tiny droplets landing upon her with gentle patters. Summoning the last of her strength, she managed to rise to her feet, her body protesting against the effort. With each shallow breath she took, she steadied herself, finding support against the bench. The rain continued to cascade around her, its cool touch a stark contrast to the turmoil within.

Summoning a feeble burst of magic, she snapped her fingers, her clothes transforming into attire suited for the rain. As the drops splashed upon her, mixing with her tears and mingling with the waterlogged ground, she clung to the bench's backrest.

A few moments later, the gentle rhythm of footsteps against the damp grass reached Bloom's ears. She turned her head, her eyes focusing on the approaching figure. A blonde silhouette emerged, sheltered under an umbrella. It was Stella.

"Stupid watch..." Bloom muttered under her breath, realizing that her Winx watch must have been the reason Stella had located her. She wasn't in the mood for a conversation with Stella, not after everything that had transpired. She needed time to untangle her thoughts and emotions before she was ready to face Stella again.

"Hey..." Stella's voice was a soft greeting as she approached the bench and took a seat beside Bloom, holding an umbrella above them.

The two sat in an uneasy silence, the rain creating a gentle percussion against the umbrella. Stella's gesture to share the umbrella brought them physically closer, but the emotional distance between them felt vast.

"I'm sorry for how I acted," Stella finally broke the silence, her words laced with a sense of regret. "Lately, the pressure of my new life as a princess in Solaria has been overwhelming. Balancing my father's expectations, the demands of the citizens, and my own duties—it's been too much, and my stress has turned into anger."

Bloom sighed, understanding the weight of Stella's confession. She could empathize with the burden Stella was carrying, feeling obligated to protect and excel. Bloom knew all too well how anger could be an easier emotion to express than vulnerability.

"I get it," Bloom's response was a mixture of agreement and understanding. "And it's easier to express anger to those who are close to you."

Bloom's own experiences with stress and doubt resonated with Stella's words. She had felt compelled to flee Domino and stay on Earth, a choice she hadn't even explained to her parents. Her own decisions had been impulsive, a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

"I... had my coronation the same day you left Domino," Stella's voice wavered slightly, carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I was crowned as the crown princess."

Bloom was taken aback by the revelation. She hadn't heard anything about Stella's coronation, and a pang of hurt surged within her. Had Stella intentionally kept this from her? The trust between them wavered again, and Bloom's doubts intensified. Could she trust anyone, including her closest friends?

Stella's hand over hers brought her attention back to the present moment. There was genuine concern in Stella's eyes, and a touch of fear. Bloom's heart ached at the sight, her own insecurities magnified. Was Stella afraid of her? Afraid of the darkness within her maybe?

Bloom pulled her hand away, averting her gaze. Stella's apology and assurance seemed genuine, but Bloom couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more beneath the surface. She was grappling with her own doubts, questioning whether she could be trusted or if her inner darkness would resurface and wreak havoc again.

"Why did you leave Domino?" Stella asked.

"I... don't know," Bloom's voice was heavy with uncertainty. Was it really because of the kingdom, or was it because of her being afraid of herself?

Her body trembled slightly, and tears threatened to spill, but she fought to hold them back. She couldn't afford to appear weak in front of anyone, especially not in front of Stella. Not anymore. She couldn't let her friends see her insecurity, her vulnerability. Not if she was suppose to be the strong, secure leader. And what if her darker thoughts led to put her friends in danger? Like back then...

"You know I'll always be there for you, no matter what," Stella's voice was softer now, carrying a sincerity that pierced through Bloom's defenses.

Bloom let out a resigned sigh, feeling the weight of Stella's words. She knew Stella meant well, but Bloom's trust issues ran deep, and recent events had only exacerbated them.

"I know... But I can't help feeling that I've always put you all in danger," Bloom admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

Stella's response was immediate, her tone resolute. "Don't be so hard on yourself. We chose to stay on Earth and help you. You think I'd let my bestie go on a dangerous mission alone? Not a chance!"

Bloom's emotions churned as Stella's words resonated. Her friends had chosen to stand by her side, to face danger together. But the guilt of endangering them still gnawed at her. She could have shielded them from the truth, lied to protect them, but her emotional impulse had overridden her judgment.

"Let's go back to the hotel," Bloom's voice was subdued, her words a weary acceptance of the situation.

"Okay," Stella's reply was gentle, a bridge built between them even in the midst of their complexities.


Three days had passed, and Bloom felt like she hadn't managed to get any restful sleep during the nights. Nonetheless, she forced herself out of bed and geared up for another session of WOW. They had arrived in Venedig, in Italy. Gazing out of the window at the picturesque blue water flowing through the city's iconic canals, she couldn't help but smile. Traveling across the world like this was a novel experience for her. While she was intrigued by the diverse wonders of the Magical Dimension, Earth's enchanting places were beginning to captivate her as well. She couldn't fathom why her parents had always chosen the mundane Gardenia beach over such breathtaking locations.

Seated within the Winx mobile, the group deliberated their plans for the day. Musa brought up the topic of whether anyone had sensed a connection to someone possessing a talent. To her surprise, the response was unanimous: no such connection had been felt. Tecna and Musa then dove into a discussion about their new transformations and the evolving powers. They mulled over the challenge of deciphering the link between their fresh abilities and the talents they were pursuing.

Stella, interjected with enthusiasm, "Well, considering we're pretty much in the dark about these new powers, but we can always come up with a cool name for it? What about: Dreamix?

Perplexed glances were exchanged amongst the group as Stella's idea was met with curiosity. Bloom, in particular, was taken aback and queried, "Dreamix? What's that supposed to mean?"

Stella's smile brightened as she elaborated, "Think about it: you, Bloom, came up with our club name 'Winx,' which is fantastic, by the way. Now, our powers are intertwined with the dreams associated with the talents we're discovering, and 'Winx' has that cool 'X' at the end. So, how about 'Dreamix'?"

Flora chimed in with her warm approval, "I actually find it quite lovely."

Tecna, the logical thinker, concurred, "It's a sensible and fitting choice for our new transformation. I'm all for 'Dreamix.'"

Aisha gave a confident thumbs-up, sealing the deal with her endorsement, "Then 'Dreamix' it is."


The Winx headed to a public art exhibition located in the square. The event showcased an array of breathtaking paintings from a diverse group of artists residing in Venedig. Among the collection were pieces crafted by students from a prominent local art school - one of the most prestigious institutions in the city.

Bloom wandered through the displays, her eyes filled with wonder. The artistry before her brought back memories of her own early days of drawing, a period that predated her enrollment at Alfea.

In the distance, Bloom spotted a girl seated on a nearby bench. The girl's brown curly hair complemented her red t-shirt and blue jeans. Engrossed in her work, she held a pencil in her hand and a sketchpad in her lap. An inexplicable feeling tugged at Bloom, suggesting that this girl was no ordinary artist. It was as though she exuded a natural talent. Intrigued, Bloom approached her, drawn to the girl's captivating artwork. The sketch depicted a harmonious interplay of colors, blending soft lines with bolder, edgier strokes. The faded horizon in the background seemed to evoke memories of Gardenia's beach, a scene Bloom found herself appreciating.

With a warm smile, Bloom introduced herself, "Hello! I'm Bloom. I must say, your drawing is truly remarkable."

The girl started, looking up from her work with a surprised expression. "Oh, wow. I didn't even hear you approach. I was completely lost in my drawing. Thank you for your kind words. I'm Alessia."

"Nice to meet you, Alessia!" Bloom replied as she took a seat beside her. "I'm an artist as well, and I can definitely see that you're incredibly talented."

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it," Alessia responded, placing her sketchpad and pen down beside her. "I've always dreamed of gaining admission to the renowned art college here in Venedig."

A deeper connection seemed to form between Bloom and Alessia, an effect possibly stemming from their new Dreamix powers. Recognizing that Alessia was the one she was destined to help, Bloom enthusiastically shared information about the WOW program and her desire to assist her. Alessia confided that she often felt alienated for her passion for art and her preference for expressing herself through it, rather than through words.

"It's painful when you're the only one labeled as 'the odd one,'" Alessia lamented.

Bloom empathized with her, reflecting on her own experiences. Memories surfaced of her time in Gardenia's elementary school, where she had been shunned for her artistic pursuits and love of reading. Mitzy and her clique had orchestrated campaigns to make her an outcast, causing her to resonate with Alessia's feelings.


"Let me be alone, Mitzy..."

"What do you have here?"

Mitzy snatched Bloom's sketchbook from her hands, flipping through the pages with an increasingly taunting and malicious expression. With every turned page, her sneer grew more pronounced. Then, in a cruel act, she tore out the pages one by one, tossing them callously into a nearby trash bin. Bloom's heart shattered, witnessing her painstaking work being destroyed in an instant. Mitzy's final act was to pour chocolate milk over the remains, followed by peals of laughter from her friends.

"Bloom, do you honestly believe anyone would want to buy these absurd, ugly drawings?" Mitzy jeered. "Your aspirations of becoming an artist are a lost cause!"

Tears flowed uncontrollably down Bloom's cheeks. She wished she could vanish, escape this school forever. Yet, she had nowhere else to go. Desperation and hopelessness gripped her, as she realized that nothing was likely to change.

On her sixteenth birthday, she sought a different high school in a neighboring area that placed a stronger emphasis on art. However, when the reply arrived, it crushed her hopes. The school rejected her application, asserting that her art lacked the necessary quality.

One fateful day, as Bloom hurried down the street, she accidentally collided with a girl. This girl possessed vibrant green hair and held a book about witches and magic. Embarrassed by the mishap, Bloom quickly apologized, but the girl was unfazed. However, Bloom found it impossible to discern the girl's face; each attempt left her with an agonizing headache, preventing her from identifying the mysterious stranger.



Bloom jolted, Alessia's waving hand bringing her back to the present.

"Are you okay? You kind of zoned out there," Alessia said with concern etched on her face.

Bloom managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." She tried to retrieve the girl's name from her memory, but an intense pressure built in her head, preventing her from recalling it. It was frustrating, to say the least.

"I'm really interested in joining the WOW program," Alessia continued.

"That's fantastic! I'll be glad to help you with that and...." Bloom replied, but stopped as she saw Stella emerged from the crowd on the square and approached them, her presence casting a shadow of discomfort over Bloom. She couldn't quite put her finger on it – whether it was her own doubts or that she hadn't really melted the whole argue for three days ago – but something felt off.

"Hey there, Bloom, found you," Stella chimed, taking a seat beside Bloom.

Bloom nodded with a touch of awkwardness.

Alessia cleared her throat. "I should probably get back to my friends. Can we meet tomorrow?"

"Sure, sounds good," Bloom replied, waving goodbye as Alessia walked away.

Once Alessia was out of earshot, Stella raised an eyebrow. "So, who's the new friend?"

"A new talent," Bloom replied curtly.

"Ah, an artist?" Stella prodded.

Bloom nodded. "Yeah."

Stella grinned playfully. "Well, well, seems like she's right up your alley."

Trying to match Stella's lightness, Bloom managed a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She felt drained, the headache that had plagued her resurfacing along with a sense of disorientation. Memories from her past, both painful and elusive, flickered in her mind, dancing like shadows just beyond her grasp.

"Are you okay?" Stella asked, her concern genuine as she placed a comforting hand on Bloom's thigh.

Bloom nodded, the pain and confusion momentarily clouding her thoughts. "Just a headache..."

Stella offered her support. "If you need a break, just say the word. We're here for you."

"Yeah... thanks."


The next day, Bloom and Alessia met at a café. Alessia had brought along a drawing she was working on, intended for her admission to the program. As Bloom observed the artwork, depicting a stunning shoreline with mountains in the background and a sunset, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow too elaborate.

"This is beautiful... But I think it might be helpful to focus on a specific theme. Is it a sunrise on the beach or the sun setting behind mountains?" Bloom suggested, gently pointing out the need for coherence. "You can experiment more with..."

Bloom conjured a vivid image using her Winx watch. It displayed a breathtaking scene from the Music Bay in Melody, featuring a colorful reef adorned with corals shaped like musical notes. Alessia stared at the image with wide eyes, clearly amazed.


"I'm glad you like it. It's quite mesmerizing," Bloom smiled.

"Where did you get that watch? It looks so advanced!" Alessia inquired, examining the watch closely.

"Um, I got it in... New York," Bloom replied, offering a casual explanation.

"Makes sense," Alessia shrugged. "Anyway, I'll definitely try something more thematic in my drawing."

"Sounds perfect," Bloom replied.

After some time, Alessia completed her second drawing. It depicted fairies inhabiting a dream world, their presence creating a contrast between typical representations of good and evil, captured through vibrant yellow and green colors.

"So... why didn't you pursue attending an art high school?" Alessia asked as she continued to sketch, her lines varying between soft and sharp.

Bloom's answer had a tinge of truth while omitting certain details. "I didn't have the opportunity... my focus was more on other things."

She had to admit to herself that she missed those days when she could immerse herself in her drawings, back when she was on Earth before moving to the magical dimension and starting her studies at Alfea.

Alessia nodded and then showed her finished drawing.

"I really love this! The fairies are so detailed!" Bloom exclaimed, genuinely impressed. She could see Alessia visibly relax at the positive feedback.

"Thank you... I was a bit worried you might find it childish," Alessia admitted, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Never think that way! I've always been passionate about fairies, even from a young age," Bloom assured her, a hint of nostalgia touching her voice. She remembered how she used to be ridiculed for her love of fairies by her parents and classmates.

"Good to hear... because my friends often mock me for it. So, I sometimes hesitate to draw what I genuinely enjoy," Alessia sighed.

Bloom placed a comforting hand on Alessia's shoulder. "You should never be ashamed of what you love. Pursue your passions without letting others' opinions hold you back."

"Thank you..." Alessia responded, a genuine smile finally gracing her lips.


They hurried towards the imposing building. Alessia joined the line outside the office where the teachers deliberated on whether an applicant had the potential to be admitted to the college.

As Alessia's turn arrived, she stepped into the office. Bloom waited outside, feeling a mixture of anticipation and concern. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a figure in a yellow hood standing at a distance. The cold gaze from beneath the hood sent a shiver down Bloom's spine – she recognized the talent thief. Panic and alarm surged within her. She knew she needed to stay vigilant. Just as she began to focus on the figure, it disappeared as someone walked in front of her, obstructing her view. Bloom realized the talent thief was gone. Her heart raced, and she realized she had to stay on high alert. She immediately messaged the other Winx, informing them of her sighting and asking for their help in tracking him down.

Amidst her worry, Bloom felt a sense of fulfillment. She had a premonition that Alessia's dream was about to come true. In her vision, she saw herself in a mesmerizing transformation, encircled by diamonds and crystals. Big crystal blur wings with a glittering full body suite. Once the vision dissipated, the door to the office swung open. Alessia emerged with a radiant smile, radiating happiness.

"So, did you make it through?" Bloom inquired, her curiosity evident.

Alessia's response was surprising. "No..."

Bloom was taken aback. "But... you don't seem too disappointed. Is that right?"

Alessia's smile widened, her demeanor indicating an inner contentment. "I've come to realize that my dream was more about expressing who I am through my art, rather than the title of an institution. And you have given me the courage to embrace that. You've helped me overcome my fear."

Touched by Alessia's words, Bloom accepted the warm hug she offered. "I'm truly glad I could be of help."


Alessia's encounter with a producer had opened up new opportunities for her after leaving the school. The producer, who was involved in a cartoon show, saw Alessia's talent and invited her to be part of the artist group. Encouraged by Bloom, Alessia accepted the offer. Bloom had felt her Dreamix powers strengthening, resonating with Alessia's artist soul that was shining even brighter now.

A triumphant call from Ace confirmed that Alessia had made it to the finals, propelled by the support of people's votes. Grateful beyond words, Alessia expressed her thanks, and Bloom's heart swelled with happiness and a sense of accomplishment.

As dusk descended over Venedig, Bloom and Alessia made their way back to the rest of the Winx. No updates had been received from the other girls regarding the talent thief. Abruptly, Alessia's phone rang, the caller ID displaying an unknown number. Stepping away to answer the call, Alessia left Bloom alone. Bloom felt a tug of concern – she wasn't sure if it was wise for Alessia to be alone in an unfamiliar situation.

Suddenly, a piercing scream sliced through the air. Alarmed, Bloom swiftly turned the corner to find Alessia in distress, the talent thief looming over her, knife in one hand and using the other to pin her down. Alessia was blanketed by sleep dust and fell asleep.

A sinister voice broke the tense silence. "So, we meet again?"

Bloom's heart raced, her emotions teetering between panic and anger. She instinctively raised her hand to call the Winx for backup. But the talent thief swiftly responded, brandishing his knife dangerously close to Alessia's throat. Bloom's movement faltered, her hand hesitating and lowering slowly.

"Just... don't harm her please," she managed to utter, struggling to keep her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within her. Anger surged, compelling her to act recklessly and launch an attack. Her powers flared, the flames within her roaring for action. Yet, in a desperate bid to retain her composure, she reined in her fury. She couldn't afford to make rash decisions that might endanger Alessia's life.

As the talent thief lowered the knife and wielded something else in his hand, Bloom recognized the opportune moment and swiftly launched a fireball directly at his chest. The impact sent him hurtling into the wall with a loud crash. In a seamless motion, she transformed into her new form, feeling the empowering surge of her newfound abilities enveloping her. When she created a shield to protect Alessia, her fire manifested as an iridescent blue, sparkling with an intensity she had never experienced before. It sparkled blue and looked like something only she could've imagine in her dreams.

Struggling to his feet, the talent thief retaliated by hurling his knife at Bloom. She agilely evaded the weapon and, with a focused burst of fire, melted it mid-air. The talent thief, undeterred, fished out a vial of sleep-inducing dust from his pocket and flung it towards Bloom. A sudden gust of wind pushed her forcefully into the wall, leaving her feeling fatigued and on the brink of surrendering to slumber. Clinging to her consciousness, she fought against the magical influence, determined to stay awake.

Her fire shield, once protecting Alessia, fizzled out as the sleep dust took its toll. The talent thief seized the opportunity, advancing menacingly towards Alessia. But just before he could reach her, the unexpected sound of a passing car disrupted his focus and blend him. Startled, he stumbled, and the momentary distraction allowed Bloom to regain her footing. With a swift gesture, he opened a portal and vanished into it, leaving behind only an eerie silence.

As the portal closed, Bloom's transformation waned, and she felt her energy ebbing away. Summoning her remaining strength, she pushed herself off the ground, though dizziness still assailed her. Aware that sleep was a constant threat, she refused to succumb just yet. Gently shaking Alessia, she coaxed her awake. Alessia jolted, wide-eyed and breathing rapidly. Seeking comfort, she clung to Bloom in a tight embrace.

"It's okay... You're safe now," Bloom whispered soothingly into her ear, trying to quell Alessia's fear with her calming presence. Holding each other, they found solace in the connection, the shared experience bonding them in an unspoken understanding.

"Let's go to my friends..." Bloom eventually suggested, helping Alessia to her feet. Pushing through her own fatigue, she mustered the strength to lead them towards the waiting Winx, just a short distance away. Each step felt heavy, but the knowledge that safety awaited spurred them onward.


Bloom and Alessia proceeded along the piers along the water, their path illuminated by the soft glow of street lanterns. Alessia remained silent, the weight of the recent events clearly affecting her. Bloom understood her reticence and respected it. Their destination, the prominent pink Winx mobile, loomed ahead, offering a sense of safety and familiarity in the midst of the darkness.

Yet, as they continued, a resurgence of her headache caused Bloom to pause abruptly. Alessia's voice reached her ears, faint and concerned. Clutching her head in pain, Bloom felt her vision blur and warp, the world around her becoming a surreal swirl of colors and shapes. She staggered, and then suddenly, the sensation of falling overtook her. A cold and wet impact greeted her, and then, with a disorienting jolt, everything slipped away into darkness.

In that moment, Bloom's consciousness slipped from her grasp, and she surrendered to the black void of unconsciousness.

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