Chapter 1: Runaway

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Bloom sat at the large dining table in the company of Oritel and Marion. She had finally grown accustomed to the grandeur of the expansive palace and the bustling staff that seemed to be everywhere. Though smaller than Stella's palace in Solaria, it was still sizable enough to get lost in. Some sections of the palace were still under renovation, remnants of the ice that had once covered Domino now melted away. The land was gradually transforming into a flourishing kingdom, its citizens working diligently to rebuild.

"Honey?" Marion's gentle voice interrupted Bloom's thoughts, causing her to startle and look up from her plate, which remained untouched.
"Are you alright? You haven't even touched your food," Marion expressed concern, her eyes filled with worry.Bloom observed her mother's expression and replied, "Yeah... I just... I'm not hungry, I guess."

Oritel sighed audibly, his concern mirroring Marion's. "Bloom, we understand that everything is new to you. But you need to acclimate yourself, as one day you will inherit the throne and..."
Oritel's sentence was left unfinished as Bloom interjected, her voice laced with stress and frustration. "But what if I don't want to rule over a kingdom?!" Her emotions began to overwhelm her, and she saw her father's eyes widen, his brows furrowing in surprise.

"You are destined to be Domino's next ruler and soon to be its crown princess," Oritel responded, his tone serious and unwavering. Bloom lowered her head, her clenched fists resting on the table. Anger boiled within her, her plans for a simple life as an ordinary fairy seeming distant and unattainable. The pressure of becoming a ruler of a new kingdom was never part of her aspirations, and she struggled to bear the weight of it all.

Bloom realized she had never fully considered the extensive knowledge and skills required of her as the princess of Domino. Sometimes, she yearned for the freedom to run away from all her responsibilities. This newfound perspective made her empathize with Stella and Aisha, who had been taught from a young age how to rule a kingdom, adapt to the constant pressure, and protect their citizens. They hadn't been given a choice.

When Bloom dreamt of becoming a fairy, she had imagined a world akin to the one in her storybooks. A place of clarity and peace, where fairies coexisted harmoniously and used their powers for good. She hadn't anticipated the battles against evil witches, wizards, and monsters. She longed for the simplicity of those tales. Sometimes, she missed the thrilling adventures she had shared with her friends, the adrenaline and camaraderie. However, there were also memories she wished she could forget. Like when Avalon, Lord Darkar's spy, had deceived her and taken her hostage. Since then, she struggled with trust, uncertain of who she could rely on. And then there was Valtor, his darkness resonating with the darkness she sensed within herself. It was a darkness she feared acknowledging.

"I didn't save Domino just to become its ruler..."

"But it is your duty to protect Domino's citizens from potential threats to the kingdom!" her father's voice erupted in frustration, his tone filled with anger as he forcefully emphasized his words, his eyes piercing into Bloom's.

"Oritel! Please keep your voice down," Marion exclaimed, her voice laced with anger as she shot her husband an admonishing look. Sensing the tension, Marion redirected her attention to Bloom, her expression softening. She gently placed a warm hand on Bloom's, offering comfort and understanding.

Bloom glanced between her parents, witnessing their conflicting emotions.

"Bloom, we know that this wasn't the life you thought it would be. But as the only princess left who's able to take over the throne you must..."

Bloom withdrew her hand from her mother's grasp, feeling a mixture of frustration and weariness. Letting out a heavy sigh, she mustered the courage to speak up.

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