Chapter 6: Failure can hurt

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Flora settled on the bed, tending to the gash on Bloom's forehead left by the crocodile man's sharp tail. The wound had turned out to be more perilous than they initially thought. Stella was lending a hand, passing Flora the necessary tools while simultaneously sewing up the wound. Bloom struggled to keep her focus, her head throbbing with pain. Despite the herbal tea Flora had given her, its supposed analgesic effects were falling short, leaving remnants of needle pricks tingling uncomfortably. Every stitch brought a wince to her face. 

"Are you done yet?" Bloom groaned.

"Almost done sweetheart," Flora reassured with a soft smile, tying off the final stitch. 

Bloom released a sigh of relief, grateful for Flora's skilled hands. But mixed with her gratitude was a sense of frustration. She wasn't accustomed to feeling so helpless. Her wings were barely functional, and every attempt to rise left her woozy and on the verge of fainting. It was vexing, especially for someone in her position. A leader shouldn't be so incapacitated, shouldn't find herself needing rescue so frequently. She chastised herself for not being more cautious in that moment of crisis, for not taking the time to properly assess her adversary before rashly evading that deadly attack. The result was her current injury, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed in her own lapse of judgment, considering the valuable lessons she'd learned during her time at Alfea, particularly from Griselda's self-defense class in her second year. She knew that if Griselda had witnessed her actions in the heat of battle, the stern instructor would have undoubtedly pointed out each and every one of her errors, emphasizing the need for strategic thinking over impulsive actions.

A comforting touch settled on her hand, and Bloom's gaze shifted to see Stella's hand gently resting on top of hers. 

"Are you alright?" Stella's voice carried warmth and concern, accompanied by a reassuring smile.

Bloom managed a weak smile in return, her attempt at appearing composed. She wasn't ready to delve into her feelings and thoughts at that moment. The mission was still underway, and any distractions could be detrimental.

"Your wing should be much better by in three days. Luckily, the cut wasn't too deep and didn't affect the entire wing," Flora chimed in, offering a cup of healing tea.

Accepting the cup, Bloom took a sip, feeling the warmth soothe her throat. The pain seemed secondary amidst her fatigue and the throbbing ache in her head. She finished her tea and handed back the tea cup to Flora, who then left the room. Lying on her back, Bloom gazed up at the pink ceiling, the bright white lights almost making her feel disoriented.

Stella's voice interrupted her thoughts as she remained by Bloom's side. Looking at her best friend's golden eyes, Bloom saw the concern etched on Stella's features.

"Hey, I know something is on your mind." she begun. 

"No... I'm fine," Bloom mumbled, though Stella's raised eyebrow and her characteristic skeptical expression made it clear that she wasn't buying it. Bloom realized she was far from convincing; Stella had become adept at reading her like an open book. Trying to deceive her best friend was about as effective as trying to douse an oil fire with water – utterly futile.

"Hey, your lies are even worse than mine – like when I try to dodge Griselda and skip her classes," Stella quipped, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in a playful gesture. "But seriously, just tell me... The more you try to conceal your emotions, the harder it'll become in the end. You'll reach a point where you can't bear them anymore."

Bloom sighed, "I know... But can we not discuss it right now? I don't really feel very well."Stella nodded, "Sure thing. But whatever reason you had for leaving Domino, I will always support you no matter what."

Bloom smiled and closed her eyes to rest her weary body. She could hear Stella leaving the room before she drifted off to sleep.


Tecna stood and observed Naoki as he conducted a tour for some visitors in the Sci-Fictional Museum. She felt a sense of pride for his achievements over the past day. However, a persistent question lingered in Tecna's mind: what was the purpose of that clock? She held it in her hand, contemplating the most logical way to decipher its use. The clock lacked the conventional numbers found on analog timepieces, leaving Tecna puzzled.

"So, any updates on your research about this new clock?" Aisha inquired.

"Unidentified material, unidentified source..." Tecna responded. The clock's unique golden surface was the only aspect she had managed to identify. Its craftsmanship appeared handmade, with a design that reflected not just antiquity, but also the passage of time. Its appearance contrasted starkly with modern technology, suggesting a history spanning several centuries.

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