Older brother

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.... Enjoy having to reread so you remember like I did hahaha ❤️❤️

Chapter 25 - Older brother

Eyeball had never struggled so hard in his life. He used to fight against other guys in school, but that was easier.

Eyeball used to fight against various police officers if they tried to arrest him, but that was easier.

Eyeball used to fight against his dad whenever he got big enough to try defend himself, but that was easier.

The pouring rain was coming down hard, landing on both him and Magnolia as he forced him to sit up.

Magnolia remained unconscious and limp as Eyeball winced and groaned as he half cried out. Reaching out to grab at her arms as he yanked her closer.

Eyeball tried to pull Magnolia over his shoulder, his cries and moans out of pain were loud as the rain almost drowned them out.

He did his best to hold her on his shoulder as he get the pain flooding through him, like electricity as he forced himself to almost begin crawling away from the broken car.

He got a couple of paces before his shuffling body collapsed again and the darkness once more swallowed him.


"Damn dog!" A male voice was heard as two male figures ran through the forest, chasing a golden retriever.

The dog's barks continued as it's paws bound over logs, branches and leaves.

"Come on dog! Get back here!" The man huffed and puffed as he leant against a tree to catch his breath. "Next time you wanna walk your dog, don't take it off it's fucking leash!"

The other man gave him an apologetic look as the pair continued to race through the trees, desperately trying to chase after the dog. They were guided only by the loud barks.

"I hate this damn dog!" The first man grumbled as they continued to chase after his friend's dog.

"Hey look!" The other guy spoke as he pointed at what looked to be a completely crumpled car.

"Ouch!" The other shouted as they saw the golden retriever was seemingly focused on something by the ground of the car as he continued to bark.

"Oh shit it's people!" The first shouted as he found the strength to sprint through the trees, getting closer to see if they were okay.

"Oh fuck! Are they okay?!" The other shouted as he raced to catch up.

The pair collapsed to their knees in front of the unconscious bodies of Eyeball and Magnolia as the owner of the dog tried to push his dog away slightly, enough that he would stop licking their pale faces.

"Richard..." The smallest voice came from the first man as his eyes scanned Eyeball's face.

"You know this guy?" The other shouted as he had rolled Magnolia onto her back to check for a pulse and see if he could help her.

"Get back into town and call for help." The first didn't answer his question as he suddenly rolled Eyeball over to see the damage. "Now!"

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now