Redirect traffic

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*****Chapter 17 - Redirect traffic*****

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Chapter 17 - Redirect traffic

Eyeball couldn't move. His problem was that Magnolia could. He heard the familiar clicking sound of the door lock being turned as she took a step closer to him.

"You wanted whiskey Mr Chambers?" She asked in a tone that almost seemed innocent.

But Eyeball knew it was an act, he knew her game. His eyes flickered to the bottle of whiskey she was holding up in her hand. There was no hesitation as he reached out and snatched it from her, unscrewing the cap as he took a swig.

"What have you done with Vince?" He asked as he took a small deep breath.

"Vince?" Magnolia asked, somewhat confused as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"That guy you saw me talking to."

"Oh him? Got my dad to, redirect traffic shall we say?" Magnolia smirked at him as she took a small step closer.

Eyeball leant back against the counter as he slowly brought the bottle up to his lips. "Redir-" He paused.


"I'm telling you Eyeball, it's gonna be fine, just gotta redirect the traffic a bit..." 19 year old Ace mumbled to Eyeball as the pair stood in the bar, looking over at where two girls were sat at one of the tables, enjoying a drink and giggling quietly together.

"Redirect traffic?" Eyeball asked blankly.

Ace nodded silently as he saw another guy begin to slowly make his way over to the girls, as if preparing to start talking to them. Not on Ace's watch.

"Charlie, redirect traffic." Ace mumbled quickly, reaching his hand out towards the small cluster of cobras by the bar.

His hand clenched in a fist as he grabbed Charlie's shirt, pulling him and half flinging him towards the guy approaching the girls. The plan had been for Charlie to start talking to the guy, distracting him long enough for Ace and Eyeball to swoop in and get to the girls first.

However, Ace was a lot stronger than Charlie, who was probably the smallest cobra. He ended up stumbling straight into the guy, causing his drink to go all over his shirt. The guy was definitely not pleased as he immediately started on Charlie, causing the chain reaction of the other cobras to step in to defend Charlie, which then caused the chain reaction of the guy's friends to defend him.

The entire time Ace sat between the two girls at the table with a big grin on his face.

"The name's Ace Merrill, and you are?" He asked, bringing his arms up as he placed them back down, resting on the back of both of the girls chairs.


"Mr Chambers?"

Eyeball snapped from the memory as he looked up. Magnolia had now gotten a lot closer, standing right in front of him. Eyeball's eyes automatically flickered down towards her lips before he seemed to mentally slap himself and looked back up at her eyes.

"Anyone ever tell you, you are the female version of one of your stepsister's exes?"

Magnolia stared up at him confused, before shaking her head. "She's told me about a few of them but none seem familiar to me."

"You met one of them in jail." Eyeball mumbled as she realised the Ace she had met in jail with Eyeball was the same Ace that her stepsister had dated on and off through high school.

"Holy shit and he's your best mate?!" Magnolia found it amusing. "So he gets Betsy and you get me? How cute."

Eyeball felt his back against the counter as he saw her hand raise up to his cheek, a couple of her manicured nails brushing along his jawline.

"I think we should be just like Betsy and Ace in that case then." Eyeball murmured, his breath going to fast for him to control as his body was petrified against hers.

"On and off through high school Sir?"

Eyeball quickly shook his head. "No no, off right now because they both- well your stepsister has another partner."

Magnolia's body almost seemed to shuffle closer to his. Eyeball felt her pressing against his, but as always, he never pushed her away.

"Is that what you really want?" She asked quietly, her nails trailing from his jawline, down his neck.

Eyeball saw her eyes were scanning his face as she leant closer to him. Their faces inches apart as all he could smell was her, fruity and sweet but not overpowering. It was just enough to have him intoxicated and feeling as though he just needed another little drop to fully satisfy himself.

Magnolia leant forward a little more. "Tell me what you want Mr Chambers..." She whispered as the soft sound sent a small shiver down Eyeball's back.

It had been a long time since he'd felt like this around a girl. He loved Hayley, or at least he thought so. He loved the sex they had, but it wasn't exciting anymore. Right now, he felt like a teenager again, back to the way he used to be, playing around with a girl's feelings just to get himself lucky for the night.

Except this was different, Magnolia was the one trying to play him. It was one of the forbidden relationships and romances. Student and teacher. She was Betsy's stepsister. She had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend. She was 17.

There was just one problem Eyeball never accounted for.

She was irresistible to him.

She was irresistible to him

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