I killed her...

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Chapter 24 - I killed her...

Eyeball forced his eyes to open as he looked around, he wasn't on the wet dirt anymore. He was-

"Wakey wakey Chambers! Let's go!" Ace half shouted as he pulled on the blankets that covered Eyeball's body. "I want you to meet my new girlfriend."

Eyeball forced himself to sit up as he looked around. He was in Ace's house, on Ace's couch.

"Bro I just had-" Eyeball had to pause to lift up his shirt, yet there was no blood or glass sticking out.

"Had what?"

Eyeball stared up at Ace. But it wasn't the Ace that Eyeball had seen when he went to visit Ace in jail with Magnolia, it was the Ace he remembered from when they were younger and so carefree.


Ace smirked at him. "I know I'm handsome but please, try to wipe the drool from your chin."

Eyeball quickly wiped at his face as Ace laughed and stood up from the coffee table.

"Come on, I gotta show you my new girl Betsy."

Eyeball stood up confused as he saw Ace go to the front door.

"Ace you've-" Eyeball paused, at this age Ace and Betsy had already been on and off.

He quickly followed Ace outside, as he saw Ace stood by his car, there sat on the hood of Ace's car wasn't Betsy. It was Magnolia.

The pair had their arms around each other as they went in for a kiss. Eyeball had to quickly rush and pull Ace away as the pair stared at him blankly.

"Dude, what are you doing?!" Ace exclaimed as he gestured at Magnolia.

"You can't! That's not Betsy, that's her younger stepsister!" Eyeball tried to put himself between them as he looked at Ace.

"How can it be Lia?" Ace asked blankly. "You killed her remember? In that car accident."

"I-" Eyeball stuttered as Ace nodded.

"You remember it right? You were going all nuts and wanting to show her where we found that dead kid and you took my side."

Eyeball shook his head as he stepped back slightly.

"She kept telling you to slow down and tell her what was going on but no, you decided to have some kind of fucking weird freak out." Ace continued as he took a step closer to him.

"It was an accident..." Eyeball tried to mumble as he stepped back again.

"You still got her killed though didn't you?" Ace spoke as it was as if venom was dripping from every word.

Eyeball tried to shake his head as Ace pointed over to his car.

"Look what you did Eyeball!" Ace snapped as Eyeball instantly looked.

Yet instead of seeing Magnolia the way he had with Ace a second ago, he saw her laying on the car hood, bleeding out in the same way she was when the pair were laying by the crashed car.

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now