She's a prostitute?

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Chapter 14 - She's a prostitute?

"So I says to her, I says 'Connie love, I couldn't give a flying fuck about no curtains or blinds, ain't no prick gonna be climbing our drainpipe to stare in through our bathroom window on the second bloody floor'" Billy groaned out as he stretched back on the chair of one of the desks in Eyeball's classroom.

"You said that?" Charlie asked almost in awe. "You actually said that to her?"

Billy shook his head as he took a bite of his burger. "Nah I told her I liked the blue ones and now we gotta go pick 'em up tomorrow." He grumbled as he chewed and swallowed.

Charlie giggled slightly as he looked over at Eyeball "Chambers, tomorrow and Sunday, what you doing?"

Yet Eyeball didn't answer, he was too busy staring into space. Charlie grabbed a couple of chips, chucking them straight at Eyeball as he shook his head slightly.

"The fuck was that for?" Eyeball snapped as he wiped his face, chucking the chips from his desk in the bin.

"You daydreaming or something? I asked what you're doing this weekend." Charlie mumbled as he continued to eat his own lunch.

Eyeball shrugged as he sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Fuck all at the moment." He mumbled as he looked up at them. "You two?"

Billy and Charlie stared at him blankly, they had literally just told him what they were doing this weekend and now he was asking what they were doing this weekend?

"You weren't listening were you?" Billy asked.

Eyeball nodded quickly. "I was, totally was. Charlie here has finish painting his blue curtains and you wanted to go the garage for your car once you've been in the bathroom." Eyeball tried to feel smart.

"I was going to take my car into the garage and Billy has to go get the blue blinds Connie picked out and put them up in the bathroom." Charlie corrected.

Eyeball waved his hand dismissively. "Same thing, look I've got a lot on my mind."

"Such as?" Billy asked, leaning forward as he took another bite of his burger.

"You ever met a girl you really wanna screw? Like I'm talking you want nothing more than to just completely ruin every little inch of her for any other guy?" Eyeball asked with a sigh, looking between them.

"You literally watched me chase Connie since we were like 14?" Billy asked blankly.

"And he's still not got his leg over." Charlie added as Billy smacked him.

"I will soon! We're taking it slow till the wedding next year!" Billy tried to retaliate.

"Why? Something going on with that little bit on the side?" Charlie asked as Billy seemed more interested in the conversation now. The pair remembered the thong Eyeball had had in his suit jacket when they all went out drinking and how he had admitted it belonged to a different girl.

Yet before him and Billy could get an answer, the door to the classroom opened as Hayley walked in. She didn't exactly look over the moon to find Billy and Charlie in Eyeball's classroom, but pushed the though aside as she looked over at Eyeball.

"Don't forget after work you're going to the hardware store to pick up those screws while I stay here for that maths department meeting." She spoke straight at him, as if ignoring Billy and Charlie's existence.

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang