There he was

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*****Chapter 3 - There he was*****

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Chapter 3 - There he was

"Magnolia?" Eyeball repeated her name as she nodded.

"But my friends call me Maggie or Mags so you can call Magnolia."

Eyeball nodded slowly as he looked around the old, broken and mostly destroyed remains of what had been his house.

"You lived here huh?" Magnolia asked quietly, seeing his attention drift.

Eyeball nodded again. "Yeah, used to live here with my dad and younger brother once my mum died."

Magnolia watched him silently. Watching as he took a few steps around the broken living room, the wallpaper was half missing and what was left was peeling or coated in graffiti.

A ripped and torn couch lay half broken at a tilt covered in dust, cobwebs and old crunchy leaves. The wooden floors had exactly the same with dead flies and various stains that anyone wouldn't want to know what they were.

"Sorry the place looks like shit." Magnolia offered up quietly.

Eyeball forced a small laugh to himself. "Place actually looks the same."

Even this made Magnolia laugh a little as she looked at him, her head tilting to the side.

"Well, seeing as you're all about 'being loyal to your girlfriend' who I bet isn't as half as hot as me, then I'll leave you to be all weird in your old house." She spoke as she almost lightly looked around.

Eyeball tried to stifle a laugh. "Yeah the whole 'being loyal' thing is new to me."

Magnolia seemed to run her tongue over her teeth. "Ain't no-one loyal in Castle Rock."

Eyeball looked up at her, though he didn't want to, his old ways came straight back as his eyes scanned her skimpy vest top and short skirt.

"You should try it, I'm sure your boyfriend might like it." He mumbled with a laugh.

Magnolia shrugged as she shook her head, running her hand through her long blonde hair.

"What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him."

Eyeball laughed at her comment. "My best friend used to say the exact same thing."

Magnolia watched as he went and sat down on the couch, clearly uncaring about all the dust and dirt on it.

"What did you say?" She asked as she slowly moved closer.

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now