Miss Markes

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*****Chapter 4 - Miss Markes*****

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Chapter 4 - Miss Markes

"Ritchie..." Hayley mumbled as she went to move closer to him but he seemed to completely blank her as he walked closer to these two guys, who apparently knew him.

Hayley got an uneasy feeling from them, something seemed different about her boyfriend with them too.

"Look at the fucking state of you." Billy laughed out as him and Charlie walked closer to Eyeball, beginning to pick at his suit.

Eyeball retaliated, gesturing at the somewhat smart clothes Charlie was wearing, whereas Billy was in a tracksuit, clearly a PE teacher.

"Look at you fucking homos." He seemed to giggle slightly, smacking the pair of him.

"Where you been?" Charlie asked quietly, almost looking at him as if he was suddenly in control of Charlie's words and actions.

"You ain't showed your face since-" Billy started but stopped as his eyes fell on the principal and Hayley.

"I'll tell you all later." Eyeball quickly spoke, looking back at his girlfriend and the principal, who were talking quietly. "Bar still the same?"

Billy and Charlie grinned as they nodded, Eyeball was back.

"We'll get the rest of the boys." Billy spoke with a grin as Eyeball moved backwards towards Hayley, nodding.

"After work." He spoke as he held his finger up and nodded at them.

"Nice piece by the way." Charlie gave Eyeball a small smirk as his eyes flickered to Hayley.

Eyeball laughed and nodded. "You should see it ride."

Billy and Charlie laughed as Hayley automatically felt uncomfortable, since when did her boyfriend behave and talk like this?

The principal guided both of them out the teachers lounge as he began leading the way to both Hayley and Eyeball's classrooms, even he felt too awkward to say anything.

"How do you know them?" Hayley asked quietly, hoping they wouldn't be around a lot.

"Oh Billy and Charlie?" Eyeball asked as his cocky demeanour seemed to take over. "They're my boys."

"Those cobras you used to hang out with here?" She asked quietly, remembering the few stories he had told her.

"Oh you bet they are, speaking of I'm going out with them tonight if you hadn't guessed."

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now