Call me Mr Chambers

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*****Chapter 13 - Call me Mr Chambers*****

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Chapter 13 - Call me Mr Chambers

Eyeball and Magnolia ended up staying with Ace as long as they were allowed. Magnolia had told Ace everything she knew about Hayley, which wasn't much so Eyeball had to finish the questions. Though he refused to answer the sex related ones, much to Magnolia's silent appreciation.

Ace and Eyeball had spoken about the other guys. This was when Magnolia had learnt about Mr Tessio and Mr Hogan actually being part of the gang they used to have. Ace found it amusing to hear that she actually the student that wound them up, pushing every button she could.

Eyeball found it strange to see the pair actually getting along surprisingly well, until he remembered they were way too similar and that probably helped. Part of him wanted to hear them in a sarcasm match, just to hear the comments and see the outcome.

"Mr Chambers!"

He was snapped from his daydream as he saw Magnolia standing over him, clicking her fingers.

"Mr Chambers? Hot." Ace muttered with a nod.

"Shit sorry." Eyeball mumbled as he quickly stood up, looking around as he saw the guards ready to escort them back to the reception, as well as escorting Ace back to his cell.

"Not long left bro." Eyeball tried to force a smile at Ace.

Ace nodded as he tried to force a smile back at Eyeball before looking at Magnolia. "You look after him for me Lia, I need this prick when I get out of here."

Magnolia smiled and nodded at Ace. "Yes Mr Merrill."

Ace let out a small laugh as his grin widened. He raised his hand as he pointed at her. "I like you sweetheart."

The pair watched as Ace was escorted back through the door he'd entered in. Eyeball placed a hand on Magnolia's lower back as he guided her the other way, back following the guards that were escorting them along.


The car journey was silent for the most part of it. Magnolia had fiddled about with their bags in the backseat before she climbed in the front.

Yet she ensured she sat sideways on the passenger seat, once more her legs up on the seat with her feet resting in Eyeball's lap. Neither commented on his hand resting on her bare leg again as Magnolia leant her head against her car seat's headrest, her focus on the book she was trying to read and understand.

"So this Hero girl is engaged to..." She mumbled as she flicked through a couple of the pages.

"Claudio." Eyeball mumbled as he drove them along.

Yes Mr Chambers... - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now