𝐥𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. sundowning

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He began second-guessing himself as he watched the numbers climb to the third floor. Maybe it wasn't his best idea to question Argent about whoever "Kinsey" could be. Maybe if he did know her, it would be a soft spot, something that could cause him to lose his temper and return to his days of hating him and Scott, prepared to kill them on the spot.
He couldn't mess things up with the man, he owed his life to him. Chris had taken him in, he had given him the job at Argent Arms while he needed time away from Beacon Hills. He still didn't quite remember how the two of them had gotten to this point of a bond, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. It was a strange sensation, living with a werewolf hunter. Argent was one of the good ones. He had a change of heart somewhere along the line, but the details of that seemed foggy too.

They walked into the apartment, calling Chris' name until they found him in his office. While the two boys piled into the room, Lydia stopped for a moment, lingering in the hallway. Her eyes set upon a room down the hallway beside Allison's old bedroom. A churning rose in her stomach as her eyes narrowed on it. The white door was shut tightly. She could never remember seeing the door open in all of the times she had been here, but she had a newfound urge to open it now.
As she stared at it, she noticed a light beneath the gap of the door, Lydia gripped her ears as the sound of a sudden loud announcement sounded through the apartment, she wasn't sure where it was coming from, but it was deafening. The following stops have been canceled. She turned to Argent's office where he stood talking to Scott and Isaac, none of them seeming to hear it. Then, as she turned back to the door, a train horn blared, the sound of the wheels on the tracks and a series of flashing lights as though it was driving straight past the apartment windows.

She winced at the loud sound, walking closer to the closed door where it seemed to be coming from. Her hand wrapped around the door handle, bracing herself to see what was inside. Lydia finally twisted it, only to find that the door was locked. All at once, everything went quiet. There was no sign of a train. No lights. No announcements. Nothing.

The girl was bewildered, standing in the cold hallway of the apartment at a complete loss. It all felt so real. Something about this apartment seemed so strange to her. It didn't feel like it used to. With a shake of her head, she joined the three men in the office, hearing the first mention of what Chris believed to know of this "Kinsey". 

"Are you sure it wasn't Kinsley?" Chris asked, leaning on his desk. "I've never heard of a Kinsey, but a Kinsley I have." Lydia nodded, it was definitely Kinsey, she had no doubt in her mind that that was her name, and Isaac agreed, the girl who had called him last night was Kinsey. Argent hummed. "Then I'm not sure I can help you."
"Who's Kinsley?" Scott asked out of curiosity.
Argent fumbled through one of his desk drawers, finding an image that he placed on the desk. They each examined it, and for the first time since the idea of someone else being missing had been brought up, he finally felt it. This girl in the photo, he could have swore he knew her. Her face was familiar. The soft doe-eyed girl with brown hair and a dazzling smile. It all seemed so familiar to him. Almost as familiar as the idea of Stiles did. "This is her. This has to be her." The wolf insisted as he pointed at the girl.

Chris laughed, taking the three teenagers by surprise. "No. This isn't who you're looking for," he reassured them. "She was dead before any of you could even walk. Allison was only a baby when she died," he explained, only confusing them more. "This is mine and Kate's mother."

"But she looks so familiar," Lydia mumbled. "There's nobody else in your family? Nobody with a similar name? Who might have resembled your mother?"
"I think I would know if my mother had some kind of doppelganger." Chris laughed as he put the image back in his desk. "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but I have no idea who Kinsey Argent is." he said as he stood up from his chair, glancing out of his window with his back to them.
The three teenagers all looked at one another, all noticing the same thing. A detail none of them had mentioned before, because none of them had known it themselves. "What?" Isaac asked.
Chris turned back to them. "I said I'm sorry I couldn't be more help." he repeated himself with a hint of skepticism in his tone, wondering what was so unclear about what he said, and why they were looking at him that way. 
"You said Kinsey Argent." Scott told him. "We never said she was an Argent, we only said that her name was Kinsey. Are you sure you don't know her?"

INHERITANCE , teen wolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora