Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter

Start from the beginning

We search the room for more letters or something that can help us understand the letter better but there isn't anything besides dirt. Some of us also try to find a way to enter the other rooms but the doorway is either completely blocked or the room collapsed entirely.
"Seems like were not going to find anything else here. Let's take the letter with us. Maybe we can find out more about it in one of the cities or from the clairvoyant.", I say.
We leave the ruin and search for more treasures in the rainforest. The monkeys are still following us. After finding three more chests we decide to go back to the ship. But the way back isn't that easy. First a bug lands on San which causes most of us to panic, next I stumble over a snake that was slithering out of a bush just as we were passing by. Luckily we all can avoid being bitten by it. We start sprinting towards the ship to avoid more unwanted contact with exotic animals but then right in front of our ship the monkeys get in the way of us.
They scream at and throw whatever they can find in their surroundings at us.
"What is your problem?", Mingi asks them.
Of course they don't answer.
"Maybe they want to steal our ship.", Wooyoung jokes.
"I think they do. Look one of them is jumping around on the wheel and two others are in the crow's nest.", Seonghwa points out.
"Hey, that's our ship!", I shout at them.
"How do we get back on our ship now?", San asks while dodging a berry that was heading towards his face.
"Let's just try to shoo them away.", Jongho says.
He tries to make himself look a dominant as possible and walks towards the monkeys.
The monkeys seem to be intimidated by this and stop throwing things at us. It is then very easy to chase them away.
"Seems like even the monkeys find our youngest very scary.", I comment.

After taking back our ship and leaving towards the main island, I look through my books in hopes of finding something related to the letter. I only find the words interference and anomaly in the dictionary but nothing that would relate them to the state that Wolkmaar is in or any historical events. At least not in the books that I have. But not even the dictionary mentions magicals or the word planet. Either you can only find out more about it in the rare books in Vretefokl or they are made-up words or codewords.

We finally reach the harbor of Dugang. It is always impressive to see the river that starts from a spring on a tiny island above the main island, flows down as a waterfall onto the island, through the forest and the city until it finally turns into a waterfall again that disappears between the clouds.
But I heard that the spring of the second river, which is located behind the temple is supposed to be really beautiful too. Since the sun is setting already the only thing that we are going to do today is looking for a restaurant to eat at. I take a map of the city with me and meet the others on the deck.
"Wow! The city looks amazing.", Wooyoung exclaims.
"Look at the waterfalls! They are so big!", San shouts.
"I wonder what happens if you stand directly under the waterfall.", Yunho comments.
"I heard it is extremely dangerous, since the water comes down from such a big height and it comes down very fast.", I explain.

We walk through the harbor. The houses around the harbor are the simpler huts that we have seen on previous islands. The houses in the rest of the city are a simplified version of the fancy houses that we have seen before, although there are lots of those in the richest district too.
Sprinkled within are beautiful temples of which each looks slightly different. Since it is dinner time the city is fairly empty and the smell of rice and spices fills the air.
We follow our noses and quickly find a restaurant at the corner of the main street. We sit down and order food and drinks. The waiter brings us plum wine as a gift again.
"One of you can take mine. I'm never drinking this alcohol stuff again. It tastes awful and made me feel and do weird things.", San says.
Jongho immediately takes his glass and puts it next to his own drink.
"But you were really cute.", Mingi says.
"I still hate it."
"Are you sure you want to drink so much Jongho?", Seonghwa asks.
"What do mean so much? I had way more when I went to bars at home. Not everyone is as bad with alcohol as you two."
"Anyway, about tomorrow, like always we will go to library first. If we don't find anything there, I think our best bet is to go to a temple since, judging from the book that Mingi read, the key has some connection to their religion.", I tell.
"Can we also see more of the city?", Mingi asks.
"Of course. We need to visit some shops to sell the things we found anyways. I took a map of the city with me. All important buildings and sights are marked on there. We can plan our route now while we're waiting for our dinner."
I take out the map and we make plans for tomorrow. After the route is set, it only takes a few minutes for our food to come. Supposedly the food I ordered is mild but it is still super spicy to me.
The waiter brings us some banana milk after he sees us struggling.
"Don't worry, it's normal to struggle at first. That's why we always have some milk here for foreigners who can't handle our spicy food.", the waiter tells.
The banana milk helps a little bit.

After finishing our food, we leave the restaurant and go for a short walk. It has become a bit chilly. I wish that I had brought a jacket with me.
"That was so spicy. I feel like my intestines are burning.", Wooyoung says.
"My mouth ith burning like hell.", Yeosang says with a stronger lisp than usual.
We walk past some children that are playing games in the warm light of the street lanterns.
"Wow, have you seen how pale one of the men who just walked by was?", one of the kids shouts.
The other children look at us fascinated and start running after us to take a closer look at Yeosang.
"Are you a ghost?", a girl asks.
A boy touches Yeosang's arm who looks very uncomfortable.
"He is not a ghost. He is a prince from the Nekra Kingdom.", Wooyoung says.
"He's a prince. That's why he is so handsome.", another girl says.
"Aren't people from the Nekra Kingdom evil?"
"No, only his parents and their friends are evil. Yeosang and the other people in the Nekra Kingdom are nice."
"That's not what my parents said."
Seonghwa taps my shoulder.
"Can we hurry up. I can feel my dinner making it's way downwards.", he whispers.
"We have to go now. You kids should also go home. It's a bit late to play outside.", I say.
We speedily go back to our ship and make it just in time before Seonghwa has an accident.

Yeosang seems a bit sad about the things that the children said.
"Don't take it to heart. They are just clueless children.", Yunho comments.
"They don't know better. Just ignore their remarks.", Jongho adds.
"I'm just said that people see us that way."
"Once your king the reputation of the Nekra Kingdom will be much better. Just keep working towards your goal.", Wooyoung states.
Yeosang cheers up a bit and nods. I go into my room while the others go downstairs to theirs.
I lay down in my bed but just as I am about to fall asleep, I hear people talk loudly outside. I stand up to see what's going on.
"Eww, how are we supposed to sleep with this smell?"
"I think I am going to throw up."
Well, I am glad that I have my room up here.

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