Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful

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Mingi POV
It seems like we will reach the temple in a few hours. Today is actually my birthday but I am not sure if the others remember that and to be honest I am not really motivated to celebrate it. Yeosang and Wooyoung are still not really talking to us although they don't seem as angry anymore. I think the best present I could get is making up with them but that seems unlikely.
I sigh and lazily lean over the wheel. Suddenly Wooyoung comes up onto the deck.
"Hey, lunch is ready.", he says and grabs the wheel. I am a little bit confused why he came up to navigate the ship because he hasn't done it since our fight. Still I let him take over and go inside. Aside from some plates and a fruit salad on the table, the kitchen seems empty. Where is everyone? Suddenly they all come out of the food storage and the bedroom. I am immediately surrounded by them and they are singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs.

We sit down at the table.
"Sorry, we couldn't make a cake for you because we didn't have all of the ingredients.", Seonghwa tells.
"It's okay."
"Here your present."
Hongjoong throws a hat toward me. It has a blue wave pattern on it and is decorated with sea shells. I put it on and we start eating. I am surprised that Yeosang came to celebrate my birthday. Maybe the two are ready to make up now? Should I talk to them later?

After we washed our dishes, San goes up to replace Wooyoung at the wheel. Apparently he only took over while we ate, so we could celebrate. He and Yeosang go to talk in the bedroom again. The others and me decide to play hide and seek. After playing for a bit, I decide to take a nap before we reach the island. The others decide to do the same. Our friends from the Nekra Kingdom look at us curiously as we walk into the bedroom. Maybe this is a good time to talk to them? Or should I talk to them after the nap? But then we will explore the island. I should just do it now. It's probably better if I try to convince Yeosang. Wooyoung is stubborn but is more likely to give in if Yeosang has changed his mind.

"Hey, it was nice to celebrate my birthday with you today?", I say to Yeosang.
"Are you still angry."
"I... really don't want you to go. I don't want it to be that way. Think of everything we have done together. We took you in and protected you from your father's soldiers. We solved puzzles in ruins together. Sailed through several countries, saw several cities, where we had lots of fun together. You always took care of us. Wooyoung helped when Jongho was wounded and Seonghwa fell from a tree and not too long ago you took care of San's cuts. Remember when you guys stole key in Pfryspungt or you and San stole the other one in his hometown. We even got kidnapped by pirates and escaped together. I thought we were a family. Do you not care about us anymore?"
My voice is trembling as I speak and a few tears roll down my cheeks. Yunho comes to calm me down.
"I am really sorry about what I said. I don't want to loose you. You are like brothers to me.", Jongho adds. He also can't help but get teary-eyed.
Yeosang and Wooyoung also start crying. To my surprise they stand up and hug us.
"You are also important to us. We actually aren't angry anymore since last week. It just would be easier for you if we weren't on board anymore. It's mainly us that the king wants. If we aren't there anymore, they wouldn't put much effort into searching for you anymore. They would give up after 2 months or so.", Wooyoung explains.
"We don't care. We are going to protect you at any cost.", Yunho says.
"And it's not going to be easier without you. Who is going to cook for us? We are going to starve.", I joke.
"Please just stay.", Jongho pleads and pouts cutely while holding on to Yeosang.

Seonghwa wakes us up as soon as we reach the island. I let go of Wooyoung, put my shoes on, put a few necessities in my backpack and go onto the deck.
On the island before us is a giant temple. The outside looks very similar to the previous temples. We parked at small landing stage with a small wooden house at the side. Hongjoong and San are very surprised at first when they see Yeosang and Wooyoung with their backpacks ready on the deck.
"We decided to not go and be a part of the crew again.", Yeosang says.
San screams in joy, sprints towards them and hugs them. Hongjoong smiles brightly and does tiny jumps from side to side.

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