Chapter Fifteen: Investigation

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Jongho POV
I woke up super early today and decided to go on a walk through the city. The streets are very empty, only a few people have to go to work this early. I am freezing a little on this cold december morning. I wrap myself into my coat.
I come to an alley that seems to lead to the nicer area of city. I spot four boys who are climbing up an apple tree. They try to throw an apple at my head but I am able to catch it.
"Good catch, old man!", one of the boys shouts.
"Who do you call old?! I am only 20."
"That is almost three times as old as I am."
They giggle and throw another apple at me.
"Why do you keep throwing apples at me?"
"Mom says apples are only for ordinary people.", another boy says.
"Everybody should eat apples. They are very healthy. And what do you mean by ordinary people?"
"People that are not aristocrats.", the tallest of them says.
"Aristrocrats are not better than anybody else. In fact most of them haven't ever worked hard. They live a privileged life by barely doing anything."
"Who are you to say that?", the first boy asks.
"Someone who's parents worked hard everyday to earn all the privileges that aristocrats have since their birth. Also have you never eaten an apple then?"
"No. Does it taste good?", the fourth boy asks.
I split the two apples for them and give each of them a half.
"Woah! You're so strong!", the tall boy says.
I smile.
"Apples taste so good! From now on I will never listen to my mom and eat them all the time.", the second boy says.
"Please split more apples for us."
I split a few more apples for them and even eat one myself.
"I think I have to go now, boys. I still have something to do today."
"Before you go, can you help us get off the tree?", the first boy asks.
"Of course."
I carefully lift them down one by one. We wave goodbye to each other and I slowly walk back to ship.
On the way I think back to my childhood.

15 years ago
It is a sunny afternoon. I arranged to meet a friend after lunch at the river.
From our house I walk down the street that leads to a small park. I see my friend on a bench near the river.
"Hello, what do you want to do today?", I ask.
"Let's play tag. Your turn. "
He touches my arm and runs away.
After we played for a while we climb up a tree and watch the people that walk by.
"Yesterday I saw some men that carried huge boxes with metall in them around. I wonder if we will also be that strong one day.", my friend tells.
"You need to practice everyday to become that strong and eat well."
"I already eat well. Let's do it together!"
"Become the strongest men in Wisnpfloss!"
"Okay, let's do it!"
We climb down the tree.
"I think we should see if we can help other people by carrying heavy things for them."
We go from house to house and ask if anyone needs help. After we did that for a few hours, we decide to do a race back to the park.
"The loser has to carry the winner home.", my friend declares.
I run as fast as I can but my friend is always a little bit in front of me.
In the end I loose and have to carry him home on my back.
"I already feel a lot stronger.", my friend says as we arrive in front of his house.
"Let's do the same thing again tomorrow."

We really did that everyday for a few years. The neighbors were always very happy when we came to help. Later we even took fighting lessons and had a part time job at the harbor where we carried boxes from the ships to the shops. I can't help but smile as I remember these things. I have to visit my friend again the next time we come to Wisnpfloss.

I am back at the ship. Everyone is gathered on the main deck.
"You were away for quite a while. Did anything happen?", Hongjoong asks.
"No, I just went for a walk."
"Can we go now? I don't want to stand around in the cold any longer.", Wooyoung complains and darts forward.
"Can he not wait, just once?", Seonghwa questions.
We run after Wooyoung.
"Don't just run away without knowing the way.", Hongjoong scolds him.
"I can just ask someone for the way."
"I am starting to regret last night's decision of not throwing you out."
"Which parts of the city did you walk through this morning?", Yunho asks me.
"I went north east from the harbor. There are a lot of bigger houses and villas in that area. I met some children on an apple tree who had never eaten an apple and were fascinated by my apple splitting skills.", I tell.
"Sounds fun."

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