Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd

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Mingi POV
We get up a little later today since we came back late in the night yesterday.
After eating breakfast and changing into fresh clothes I meet up with the others in the kitchen.
"Considering that we are sailing to Pfryspungt next, I guess most of you will need more warm clothes.", Hongjoong says.
"Yes I have clothes for normal winter temperatures but not for temperatures this cold.", Jongho says.
"That is going to be expensive."
Hongjoong sighs.
"We will also need a lot more firewood.", Wooyoung adds.
"And some more warm blankets.", Seonghwa says.
"Oh yes, I almost forgot about that.", our captain admits.

After making our shopping list we go back into the town. First we get the firewood at a local shop near the harbor. Then we go to the marketplace again because San remembered that he saw a booth with pretty wool blankets there. We buy five new thick and fuzzy wool blankets at a seller from Pfryspungt. We decide to bring back what we got so far because shopping for clothes with your hands full is very inconvenient.

Hongjoong brings us to a shop that focuses on fur. He explains the owner what we are looking for who shows us three different kinds of fur that are suitable for the extreme temperatures and are durable enough for our job.
"My coat is made out of this dark long fur, so I can recommend it.", Hongjoong says.
"I think it is the prettiest too.", I say.
"Are we all choosing it individually?", Seonghwa asks.
"I thought so.", Wooyoung says.
"Well, I thought we could all choose the same fur, so we look more like one team.", Seonghwa suggest.
"That's actually a really cute idea.", Yunho comments.
We choose the dark fur of Hongjoong's coat together but we add different details to the coats so we can distinguish them from each other.
The owner tells us to come back later to pick them up.
The next thing that most of us need are wooly jumpers. We find a booth from Waerglunt that has cute designs.
I buy a bright blue jumper with white fish on it and one that fades from a light beige to a dark brown.
We also buy warm socks at another booth and lastly I buy another shirt to layer under my jumpers.
We go back to the ship with full hands except for Hongjoong who only bought two pairs of socks. San has especially much to carry since he got essentially an entire new closet.
"I feel kind of bad that you had to spend so much money on me.", San says, like always.
"Well I feel really good because I finally don't have to see my crewmate naked anymore because his only clothes are in the laundry.", Hongjoong jokes.

After we sorted our new clothes in our closet and ate at a local restaurant, we take our time to look at some historic sights and a museum about the neutral zone.
Then we get our fur coats from the shop we visited earlier.
Back on the ship I get on the wheel and navigate us out of the harbor. I wish we didn't leave so soon. I would have loved to see a little bit more of the city. Although I felt a bit anxious being in such a big city where anything could happen. I also wonder if, now that we are on the way to Pfryspungt, the woman from the Nekra Kingdom will hunt us down again. Hongjoong said that she can't follow us into the neutral zone but who says that she won't find us again now that we are leaving it.

Also navigating the ship is a pretty lonely job most of the time. Sometimes the members will play on the main deck or someone will look out for islands if we expect to sail past some and you will have someone to talk to. But right now everyone is tired from walking around in the city.
Hongjoong is taking a nap, Wooyoung is cooking dinner, San is taking a bath, Jongho and Yeosang are reading books and Yunho is giving Seonghwa a massage because he has been complaining about neck pain the last three days.
For an hour it is completely quiet on the ship then I see Wooyoung run inside the captain's cabin.
"Dinner is ready.", he screams.
"Get off of me.", I can hear Hongjoong say.
"Hurry up or it will get cold."
"Let me wake up properly first."
A few seconds later Wooyoung leaves the room, carrying Hongjoong bridal style. I laugh out loud at the sight of the small crewmate carrying our even smaller sleepy captain to the hatch. Wooyoung lets Hongjoong down and they disappear inside the ship.

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