Chapter Thirty One: Training

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Jongho POV
We have packed everything we need into our backpacks. Including the provisions and the clothes that are supposed to help us with the burning hot weather in the south that we bought yesterday. Bumjoong, Sbosio and Haneul are ready too. They are heavily loaded with equipment that they are going to need for their excavation.
"We are going to meet two colleagues near the stable. They are doing the excavation with us.", Bumjoong says.
We leave the house and make our way to the stable. Bum's colleagues are already there. Like the last time we have to blindfold Yeosang and Wooyoung. I put the blindfold over my energetic friend's eyes and help him onto the cute animal. I sit down in front of him and tell him to hold on to my shirt. He instead puts his arms around my waist and tries to kiss me. Luckily he misses.

The next three days are very boring and exhausting. The heat makes me feel tired and a bit dizzy. The seemingly never changing environment doesn't help with it. We try to keep ourselves occupied by telling stories or playing games. But even then we don't have anything to say anymore after some time. The days just feel so freaking long! I also have trouble falling asleep.
I freeze a little bit a night even with Wooyoung clinging to me.
We are really glad once we see the harbor at the horizon.
"Finally we're here. I think I can see our ship over there.", Seonghwa says.
We stop at the stable and Wooyoung and Yeosang can finally take off the blindfolds again. I carefully get off of the mount and take my backpack off the back of one of the animals. We gather in front of stable and slowly go to the landing stage.

"It seems that the next ship in the direction we are heading to leaves in 20 minutes and I don't know where it is yet. It's a bit chaotic here. So I think we have to say goodbye here brother.", Bumjoong says after looking at the information board.
"Ok, bye.", his younger brother replies and turns around. He giggles and turns around again.
"Just kidding. Come here."
The two hug. We try to give them some space and say goodbye to Sbosio in the mean time.
"It was nice to get to know you guys. I hope you will stay safe. Please come back in one piece."
"We can't guarantee for anything. There will probably be traps again that will try to slice us in half and if not then maybe king Nekra will but we'll definitely try to avoid it.", Wooyoung comments.
"You should stay safe too.", Yunho adds.
We hugs Sbosio.
With tears in their eyes San and Haneul say goodbye to each other.
We also say goodbye to her and she even allows us to hug her.
Then it is time for them to go. We wave them goodbye until they completely disappear in the crowd of people at the harbor.

We enter our ship. It feels good to be back again. I can't wait to sleep in my comfortable bed again tonight.
"Wait! Before we go inside we should get rid of majority of the sand on our things. It makes cleaning a bit easier.", Seonghwa suggests.
"Cool! You can do that, I'm going inside.", Wooyoung says and moves towards the hatch.
"Seems like Wooyoung wants to be on cleaning duty tomorrow.", I joke.
"That's nice of him. We would have done together it otherwise but if he wants to do it alone...", the captain joins in.
"Ah, sorry, sorry.", Wooyoung says and quickly begins cleaning his backpack.
I try to shake out some sand from my trousers and shirt. Throw some sand that's in my shoes over the edge of the ship and begin unpacking my backpack. Yeosang helps me shake off some sand from my blanket who curiously stares as the sand falls down into the clouds. I empty out the sand in my backpack and dust off the rest of my things.
"Before you guys go in your room. I still need to buy some things for the ship at the harbor. It would be nice if some of you would come with me.", Hongjoong says.
"Sure.", Mingi exclaims.
"Oh, I suddenly feel so tired. I think I will go to sleep for a few hours.", Yeosang states sarcastically and yawns.
Wooyoung and San immediately disappear inside of the ship. Yunho nods. Argh I am pretty tired but I don't feel like I just want to stay inside the whole afternoon especially because Wooyoung and San are going to be very noisey.
"I will come with you too.", I say.

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