Chapter Ten: Ispaledts

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Yeosang POV
"Yeosang wake up! We are about to reach the capital!", Yunho says and shakes me gently but I don't want to open my eyes yet. I need only a few more minutes.
"You won't wake him up like that, puppy!", Wooyoung says.
I feel my best friend climb on top of me. I groan and try throw him off. "GOOD MORNING, YOUR MAJESTY!!!", Wooyoung screams in my ear.
Wait did he just call me your majesty?! But Yunho is still here! He can't know that I am the prince!
I quickly sit up and see Yunho laughing. Did he not notice?
"You should get dressed quickly if you don't want to greet Pfryspungt's king in your pajamas.", Wooyoung says and leaves.
"There should still be warm tea in the can in the kitchen.", Yunho remarks.
I get ready for the day as quickly as possible.

I climb up onto the main deck where the others are already waiting for me and see a big harbor in front of us. Behind it is a small village.
"Is that the whole city?", I ask Hongjoong.
"No, Ispaledts is further inland. We will need to go there with a sled."
A sled? I only know about them from the others. That sounds fun!
Hongjoong parks the ship savely at the harbor and we pack everything that we want to sell in our backpacks. I also take the rug that we found with me.
Just as we leave the ship, a man brings wood to the harbor and it is carried by a mammoth. Me and the others immediately walk towards it.
"I guess you are travelers and you have never seen a mammoth?", the man ask.
We shake our heads.
"His name is Manfred. He is a bit grumpy sometimes but overall a good boy."
Manfred looks very fluffy but also a bit scary. I wonder what his fur feels like. We look at him for a bit before Hongjoong tells us to come over to him.
"I have paid for four sleds so two will always go together in one.", he explains.
"Where are the sleds?", San asks.
"They will come in a second."
"Should we share one?", Jongho asks me.

Then four big sleds appear, each pulled by two reindeers.
We get to pet the reindeers before we sit down in the sled.
"Woah, we get to see so many new animals today.", I say to Jongho.
"Yes but none of them are as cute as you.", Jongho comments and winks at me.
I turn my head away in embarrassment and laugh.
"W-what are you saying?!"
Jongho giggles and blushes.
"Sorry, I was just joking around."
"What are you guys doing?", Mingi, who sits in the sled in front of us and is looking over the backrest, asks with a big smile on his face.
"Jongho is weird today. I think he spent too much time with you.", I reply. Jongho hits my arm which really hurts.
Mingi giggles.
The sleds start moving and Mingi almost falls backwards but Yunho must have catched him.
We drive through a beautiful forest. I look at the trees that are passing by. Suddenly something comes to my mind.
"Which day is today?", I ask.
"The 19. November. Why?"
"Wooyoung's birthday is next week."
"I didn't know that. He also didn't tell us anything."
"He might have forgotten it himself since we didn't get to celebrate it in the castle."
"Then we should plan a party for him."
"We should also buy a present in Ispaledts."
"Maybe a book with recipes could be a good present."
"He doesn't like to follow recipes. He has a big interest in watches though. Maybe a pocket watch would be better."
"They are really expensive. I don't think we can afford it unless we spend all of our personal savings. Also I am not sure if they sell them here yet."
"Hmm... We can talk about it later with the others."
Jongho lays his head on my shoulder.
I look at him surprised.
"I am a bit tired.", the youngest crewmate says.
He is really playful and clingy today. I guess even though he acts so mature most of the time he ultimately still is the youngest.

I try to think of other presents for Wooyoung. What is something that he always wanted to have? What kind of presents did I get in the past?
I try to think back to my birthdays. They weren't excactly happy days. At least there was cake. I never actually got good presents. I got swords, books for my training, things like that.
And of course that one present. Probably one of the more disturbing presents someone could get but also the best present I have ever gotten and the best present I will ever have.

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