Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild

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Mingi POV
I walk onto the main deck with Jongho, whose leg is already doing a lot better. It is a bit rainy today but otherwise it has been slowly getting warmer over the past few days.
Today we are going to reach Faisnvild.
I am so exited to see my parents again.
"I see that you're in a especially good mood today.", Jongho comments.
I giggle and hug him. He blushes slightly.
"What are your parents like?", he asks.
"They are very laid back and hard working. We aren't the richest family but they always tried to make my wishes come true."
"That's nice."

"Hey, I can see the island!", Seonghwa, who is on the main mast, shouts. San nods.
"We're almost there!", I exclaim and bounce up and down.
"I will inform the captain.", Jongho states. I run to the front of the ship.
At the moment you can only see the outlines of the island. As we get closer I slowly start to see all the fields and fruit trees and then finally also the village.
Suddenly someone hugs me from behind.
"We're home!", Yunho shouts.
We gather on the deck and leave the ship together. I smile brightly as we walk down the path between the cornfields. All the happy memories come back to my mind.

12 years ago
My family and I are waiting for Yunho's family. I hold on tightly to my mothers hand while she holds a big picnic basket in her other hand.
Then Yunho's family gets out of their house. Miss Faersbelt waves at us. Yunho runs towards me and hugs me.
"Why are you so happy to see me? We just saw each other this morning.", I ask him.
"I am always happy to see you."
We cross the bridge to get to the other side of the river where we sit down in the shade of a giant tree. We put two big blankets together and our parents put the food in the middle.
"You need to try my mothers salad.", Yunho says.
"My mom's meat is the best.", I argue.
"I will try that too."

After eating we play with our brothers in the grass. We observe the ants and put things in their way that they have to walk over. Then my brother shows us how to whistle loudly. Of course Yunho gets it right on the first try. I try it several times but it doesn't work. Then we try to climb up the tree but mom notices it and forbids it.
We stay there until the sun has set. Then we go home again.

We reach the street where our parents live.
"Whose parents are we going to visit first?", Seonghwa asks.
"Let's go to yours first, Yunho.", I say.
Yunho knocks on the door of his house. After a half minute the door opens. His brother is standing in doorway with his eyes wide open in shock.
"Brother!", he shouts and hugs Yunho.
Yunho's parents come to the door and a smile lights up on their face as they see their son. They hug for quite some time before they turn to us.
"Who are your friends? I only know Mingi and the captain.", his mom asks.
"They are also part of the crew. We picked them up on our way."
"Come in.", Mister Faersbelt says.
We enter their house. The room is almost to small for everyone.
"I'm sorry that we don't have much space."
"Maybe we should go outside to talk.", Yunho's brother suggests.
"It's a bit rainy outside though."
"It's okay. We don't mind that it is a bit cramped.", Wooyoung affirms.
"Please sit down.", Miss Faersbelt says.
Some of the others sit down at the table but since there isn't enough space, San, Seonghwa, Yeosang and me sit down on the stairs.
"Do your parents know that you are here, Mingi?"
"Not yet. We will visit them later."
"How come that you are visiting us?", Yunho's dad asks.
"We were in the area and the two really missed their home.", Hongjoong answers.
"Ah, okay. From where did you come?"
"From Schaepli and we are visiting Faidehoi next.", San tells.
"Oh, okay. That's a weird route."
"Are you all from Waerglunt?", Yunho's mom asks.
"We are all from different countries.", Jongho replies.
"Interesting. Actually we totally forgot to ask your names, sorry."
"No problem. I am Jongho."
"I'm Seonghwa."
"I'm Yeosang."
"I am San."
"So how have you been? Tell us everything."

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