Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island

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Wooyoung POV
I follow my brother through the field. After a while we get to the edge of the island. We sit down on a stone. Brother gives me some blood potato pancake and we stare into the dark clouds.
"You know. When I become a soldier, I hope I will get to see the sun.", brother says.
"I want to see the sun too."
"You have to stay here and protect mum and dad."
"Also I don't want to be alone. Do you think mom and dad would get another brother for me to play with?"
"I am not sure. But you also have friends that you can play with."
"Yeah. But we can't always play because children aren't allowed outside for too long and we also have to go to school where we aren't allowed to talk to each other."
"That's true. I wish there weren't so many strict rules."
"Can't we move somewhere else?"
"No, we will get killed if we do. You know that and you shouldn't say these things out loud. It will get you in trouble."
"I don't care. I am too fast. They can't catch me!"
I stand up and run around.
"Wooyoung! It's not something you joke about! It's serious! Please be more careful!"
I sit down again.
"I know the scar in your eyebrow. But how could you be quiet if things are so unfair?"
"You just have to if you want to survive."

Suddenly there are footsteps behind us. Brother stands up and nudges me to hide behind him. Two soldiers are approaching with their swords drawn.
"What are you kids doing out here? Are you scheming something?", one of the soldiers ask and grabs my brother by his hair.
"No, we didn't do anything. Please!", my brother screams.
The other soldier puts his sword under my chin and forces me to look up at him. My heart beat raises and I feel something warm drip down my neck.
"Hmm what did you little rats do here? Planning escape plans? Hmm?"
"No, we were trying to see if we could find shapes in the clouds.", I say firmly but also try to appear as cute and innocent as possible.
The expression on the soldiers face softens a little bit.
"Hey, let's go! It's not worth it. We have more important things to do."
The older soldier that is still holding onto my brother nods and gives him one last slap across the face.

As soon as they are out of sight I run over to my brother and look after him.
"Oh no! Your face is all red. We need to go home and put something cold on it."
"Wooyoung, you're bleeding!"
I touch my chin and then look at my hand. It has some blood on it.
"It's just a small cut. Let's just get home."
I help my brother up, then I suddenly feel pain in my back.

I open my eyes and see Mingi's face. His arm is wrapped around my back. He must have accidentally hit me with it. I look around and see that the other beds are empty. The others must be awake already. I carefully get out of Mingi's tight grip and stroll into the kitchen.
At noon Seonghwa tells us all to pack our backpacks and then come up. He seems very excited for some reason.
I quickly get everything I need for a day of exploring, put on my hat on and get outside. As soon as I climb up Seonghwa takes my hand, walks with me to the railing and points into the distance. There is the island that Hongjoong mentioned. It is very big with a lot of mountains, some trees that are similar to those that we saw in Wajasi and at the edge of it are ruins of a village. Some of the houses directly at the edge are inclomplete as if there was a piece a piece of land that was ripped or crumbled away.
"Doesn't that look so cool? I never saw something like this. We had the ruin that exploded but that was something different.", Seonghwa exclaims.
"Me neither. I wonder where the other part is. With the other ruin some parts of the island where still floating around but here it is just an edge with none of the missing pieces in sight."
"Wow that looks unusual.", Yunho suddenly says which almost gives me an heartattack.
"Hey, don't just sneak up on us like this."
The others appear as well. Mingi parks our ship at the end of a road between two houses.

We get off of the ship and look around. Apart from some houses being literally ripped in half, most of them have also collapsed. It is hard to tell what they used to look like. We split to look through the houses. I go with Seonghwa, so I can annoy him. I play with his ponytail while he is looking through some rubble in a house.
"Ahh, stop it. Go and look around there instead."
I giggle and look around in another corner. There is nothing really there besides some debris from the walls.
"By the way it would be nice if you guys would clean your room properly. It's almost always still dirty after you cleaned it. I am not your cleaner."
"Are you sure?"
I feel Seonghwa stare at me angrily and laugh.
"Just kidding."
We look through another house but don't find anything, so we go to the middle of the village and wait for the others. I hum a song and tap out its rhythm on Seonghwa's back.
"You're really set on annoying me today aren't you?", Seonghwa says.
I laugh and hug him.

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