Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free

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It has been almost a week since we arrived at the villa. I am feeling a lot better and so do Yunho and Seonghwa. Tonight Mr. Kuebe is going to tell us how he is planning to smuggle us out. I tried to read some of the books that are in the living room to kill some time but they are a bit boring and complex. Instead we mostly played UNO or would talk with each other or Wooyoung's brother who would come by every afternoon to see his little brother.

Currently I am sitting bored in the living room and listen to Yunho's story of how he saved his little brother from the river. It makes me remember how I swam in the sea and got a cramp, so Haneul jumped into the water and pulled me to the shore.
I really miss her. Hopefully she is doing well in Wajasi.
"What about you, San?", Yunho interrupts my train of thought.
"Hmm? What?"
"Are you excited to leave the Nekra Kingdom?"
"Of course. Who wouldn't be? I can't wait to sunbathe on the deck."
"I'm not sure if it will be warm and sunny enough to sunbathe.", Mingi comments.
"Tongcheok is a warm country. We should have plenty of sun even though it is almost winter.", Hongjoong tells.
"It has lots of trees and plants too, doesn't it?", Seonghwa asks.
"The most out of every country. There are lots of rain forests, many rivers, many animals and many dangerous bugs, insects and spiders."
"Dangerous bugs, insects and spiders?", Jongho exclaims loudly. He looks at Hongjoong with big eyes. They look like they are about to pop out of his head. That doesn't sound very nice. Immediately I am less excited about going to Tongcheok. Well I guess it will still be better than here.
"That is one of the reasons why outsiders aren't allowed to enter without a guide. But I will tell you more once we're there."
"I kind of don't want to go. I don't want to leave my brother.", Wooyoung confesses.
"But would you really want to live here?", I ask.
"No, of course not. Not unless Yeosang becomes the king. I just don't want to be apart of my brother but he is adamant on staying here to support the rebellion."

It feels like an eternity until it's finally time for dinner. While eating Mr. Kuebe explains his plan to us.
"You have met my friend Mr. Harez who is a merchant. He has some empty boxes in which you will climb into. They are supposed be shipped to the western island where he usually gets some of his wares. He'll make it look like he's returning damaged goods. The ship that you are on will then halt at the small island where I hid your ship, let you out and fill the boxes with dirt and stones instead."
"Do you mean the small island that is only 2 hours from here?", Yeosang asks.
"Yes that one."
"Perfect. We need to go there anyway."
Mr. Kuebe raises an eyebrow but doesn't ask any further questions.
After dinner we play some rounds of UNO before we decide to go to sleep early. Of course Wooyoung climbs into my bed and wraps his arms around me. I noticed that he sleeps calmer ever since he met his brother.
It doesn't take long until we fall asleep.

Mrs. Kuebe wakes us up a bit earlier than usual. I wash myself and glance outside the window for a second but all I see is black since it is so early that the street lanterns aren't lit yet. The complete darkness during the nights here scares me. It feels like you're looking into nothing.
I go upstairs where a super big breakfast waits for us.
"My husband said that it could be a while until you can eat something again, so I let our cook prepare a bit more today.", Mrs. Kuebe explains.
"Thank you. Where is Mr. Kuebe? I haven't seen him anywhere.", Hongjoong asks.
"He is preparing some things at the harbor."
After breakfast Mr. Kuebe returns and tells us to follow him.

We walk through the dimly lit streets.
There isn't a single person in sight except for a soldier in the distance who is lighting the laterns. Once we get closer to the main street I hear some people walk and chat. Mr. Kuebe brings us to the backdoor of a general goods store. He knocks on the door and only a few seconds later Mr. Harez greets us.
"Good morning! Have you slept well? Have you eaten yet?", he asks.
"Yes, we went to bed early yesterday and had a big breakfast this morning.", Hongjoong answers.
"Very good. Follow me, please."
He brings us to a room full of boxes and crates but there are eight big ones that stand against the back wall.
"These will be your home for the next few hours. They are all a bit different in size, so please feel free to find the most comfortable for you.", Mr. Harez says and laughs.
After a bit of trying around each of us find a crate that we somewhat fit in.
"My men will come to get you in twenty minutes. I would advise you to go to the toilet now otherwise you will have to pee into the crate."
Mr. Kuebe says goodbye to us and wishes us a good journey. We thank him for everything and wave him goodbye as he leaves the shop. After emptying our bladder and sitting down in our boxes again, Mr. Harez nails them shut. He made four coin-sized holes into the crate, so that some air would come in but also let a bit of light in, so it's not completly dark inside the crate. A few minutes later I hear footsteps and some voices coming from outside the room. I hear the door open.
"Here they are. I put an arrow on the side so you know which way is the right side up because I think the guys would appreciate it if you wouldn't shake them around so much. Also if you put something on top of the crates, make sure that it doesn't cover the holes, otherwise they might suffocate in there.", I hear Mr. Harez explain.
A few seconds later my box gets lifted up. I put my hand against both sides of it, so I don't get thrown around inside of it.

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