Chapter Thirteen: New Friends

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Yunho POV
Not much happened the past week, apart from exploring two small islands.
I am currently at the wheel and about to fall asleep because nothing is happening. Mingi climbs onto the deck and walks over to me.
"Hey! You look bored.", he says.
"That's because I AM bored. What have you been doing all morning?"
"Hongjoong taught me more math and then I read for a bit. Did you know that less than half of Nekra's population are natives because of the islands from other countries that they have conquered. But only about 5 percent of population are mixed because there is a lot of rivalry and hatred between the Nekra Islands and the conquered Islands."
"Interesting. I wish I could just go and play with the others right now."
"I wish we could play football or basketball or anything like that. But I guess that is impossible when you are on a ship."

"Hey, Yunho there is an island to our right!", San shouts.
"I will inform Hongjoong.", Mingi says.
I navigate towards the island. As we get closer, I can see a small village and a big sign that says "Welcome to Waerglunt!". Slowly everyone gets onto the deck. I park the ship at the harbor and walk towards the others who gather around Hongjoong.
"Where are we?", Jongho asks.
"Will we go treasure hunting?", Wooyoung asks.
"Are we going to eat something at the village?", Yeosang asks.
"We are just behind the border, the village is called Kraentshoop. We are going to eat something and maybe go treasure hunting. If I remember correctly there should be an inn that has very good fried chicken.", Hongjoong answers.
"Chiiickeeen!!!", Yeosang exclaims.
We leave the ship. At the same time a group of men leaves the ship next to us. We greet each other then the smallest and youngest looking among them approaches us. He is much tinier than our captain and I am unsure if he is even an adult.
"Excuse me do you know if there is a place where we could eat?", he asks.
"We were about to go there.", I say.
He looks up to me for second before he shyly looks somewhere else.
"Ehh... can we go with you then?", he asks.
"Sure, let's go.", Wooyoung says and puts his arm around the tiny man's shoulders. He seems to be very flustered by that. His five friends follow behind him.
"Are you also treasure hunters?", Wooyoung asks.
"Oh, nice. I am captain Hongjoong by the way. And you?"
"I am captain Jay."
"Oh you're the captain? You look like the youngest though.", San says.
"I am the oldest... I became the captain after our former captain started a family."
"Apropos I am Wooyoung."
"And I am Yunho."
"Cool. I am Bobby, that is DK, the pretty guy behind me is June, this is Song and that guy is Chan, our youngest."
"Oh, but those are not your real names, are they?", Mingi asks.
"Of course not. We just thought that we should have cool names as treasure hunters.", DK explains.
Hmm maybe we should also have cool names like... Well or maybe not.

We arrive at the inn. We sit down at a table with the other treasure hunters.
We order a lot of fried chicken. Yeosang exitedly jumps up and down on his chair as it arrives. He must really love chicken.
The other treasure hunters whisper to each other while they are still waiting for their food. Since I am sitting next to them I try to hear what they are saying.
"They might know about these things better than us."
"It's not bad to have a little bit of help."
"They seem nice."
Their food arrives which interrupts their discussion. We chat a bit together then Jay suddenly asks us an unexpected question:
"Do you want to search for a treasure with us? We heard about a ruin on an island nearby. Apparently there is a great treasure there."
"Yeah, why not. We aren't in a rush to get to Muelstatt.", Hongjoong says.
We finish our lunch and go back to our ships.
"Just follow behind us. I will lead you to the island.", Bobby says and smiles cutely.

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