Chapter Forty One: Memories

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Wooyoung POV
I feel my body shake as I go to get my backpack. I can't believe that I am back here. Will they recognize me? Will I see my old friends? What if... they are dead too...
I try to push my feelings to the side and go back onto the deck.
"Are you ready? Remember, no matter what happens, stay calm and if anyone asks, we're from Dunnawaedda, the Waerglunt island that now belongs to the Nekra Kingdom.", Hongjoong says.
As we leave the ship someone takes my hand. I turn to the side and see Yeosang smile at me. He knows how I feel. I feel extremely anxious as we walk towards the village.
"Is that a pond over there? It looks very creepy.", San remarks.
I slipped at that pond way too many times but it was always very funny. I also have some happy memories of here but they are by far outweighed by THAT memory.

I grip onto Yeosang's hand even tighter as we enter the village. It is somewhat busy. People are carrying crates, counting them and putting them onto carriages to send them off towards the harbor. Some of them are familiar faces. While they notice us, they don't say anything. They just keep working. There is a soldier who is observing us from the distance. He taps one of the villagers on the shoulder and says something to him while pointing at us. The man shakes his head. The soldier now comes towards us. I feel fear rise up in me but try to stay calm on the outside.
"I haven't seen you here before."
"We came with the last ship. We are from Dunnawaedda.", Hongjoong lies.
"And why are you here?"
"We came to help with the harvest.", I reply.
The soldier looks at each of us from head to toe before he nods.
"I will keep an eye on you."

"I think we should go somewhere, where we can talk to the villagers without being watched by soldiers. Maybe there is a inn somewhere?", Hongjoong suggests.
"Sometimes the inns will also get controlled by soldiers.", I remark.
"It should still be the best place to ask for information.", Jongho states.
I feel nervous as we are looking for an inn. We aren't going to go there, are we? Slowly we walk towards the other side of the village. A few soldiers walk past us but since we come from the plaza they don't question us again. One of them just points a weapon at us and tells us to obey to their rules. I know this street very well and I know to where it leads. My legs feel heavy. It is very hard for me to keep walking. I start to feel my heartbeat raise while it also becomes harder to breathe.
"Isn't that an inn?", Seonghwa asks and points at a house that is a few meters away from us.

We are here... It looks exactly like it used to, except for the sign that says which has now another design on it. As soon as I see it, I stop in my tracks.
I feel paralyzed, my whole body shivers and I feel short of breath. The others look at me confused and concerned.
"Is everything okay, Wooyoung?", San asks.
"I... I-I was born h-here. I-I used to... live there."
Tears start streaming down my face as I start remembering THAT day.
"M-my parents were... they... were murdered there."
I start telling them about that day, the day my parents were killed and I was kidnapped.

Eleven years ago
I get woken up by my mom.
"Rise and shine. Did you sleep well? Since you don't have school today. You can help us at the inn."
"I don't want to. I want to see my friends."
"You can do that in the afternoon. Come, let's eat breakfast and then prepare some things for the people to eat at lunch."
Reluctantly I stand up and go down. My father serves my breakfast which I quickly eat up. After getting ready, I help my dad with cutting vegetables. My parents talk about brother again. I really miss him but fortunately I only have to wait 4 more years to see him again. But didn't my parents also promise me another brother?
"When will I get another brother?"
"It's difficult right now. Maybe in few years.", dad replies.
"But I want one now!"
"We would also like to have another child but it is not possible right now.", mom says.
"But why?!"
"Wooyoung, concentrate on cutting. You might get hurt.", my dad exclaims.

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