(Any Sport in a Storm) - Aftermath- (Apology)

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Willow's POV


The entire population of the Boiling Isles heard the scream that came out of Amity's and Luz's mouths when they saw the picture her friend Willow was holding up to them. That picture had to be wrong, they thought, how in the world he could be in Willow's flyer derby team.

- "Yeah... Funny story actually, so, Caleb, I mean, Hunter, came in to Hexside to find new recruits for the emperor's coven and we had a flyer derby game together and we won and it was nice until he revealed himself as the Golden Guard and kidnapped us all". Willow said smiling as if it was a very normal and chill thing to happen to 15 year olds.

As soon as she saw her friends's expressions she hurried to keep talking. "BUT you won't believe what happened next, we tried to escape and when the headwitch of the abomination coven was about to fight us he stood up for us and practically saved us! I think he actually might be in trouble right now..."

-"You're right. I don't believe you." Amity said in an obviously annoyed tone. "Are you sure you didn't imagine it because of some concussion you might have? Should we take you to the healing coven?"

-"Yes Amity I'm sure; and no, I don't have a concussion nor do I need to be taken to the healing coven, also, I wasn't the only one there"

-"Yeah guys, that really happened" Gus said while Viney and Skara nodded.

Willow suddenly realized that Luz hadn't talked in a while, which was actually weird and even concerning, and she was still watching the pic like it was her one duty in this world, but she didn't have an annoyed nor upset exression on her face as her "awesome girlfriend" did, her's was more of a confused one.

-"Luz, are you ok? What's wrong batata?" Amity asked, turns out she had noticed the weird silence too.

-"Nothing, it's just that...... I can't believe it".

-"Oh really Luz? Do you also think I have a concussion like Amity?"

-"No! I meant.... I can't believe it's the same Hunter I know"

-"What do you mean?"

-"Well, the Hunter I know is a complete bad but sad boy, angry all the time, a soldier in a bad mood, Amity knows what I mean; and this Hunter - she pointed at the pic- looks like a normal teenager, he even is smiling, he looks so different from what I saw when we interacted like a week ago".

-"Now that you mention it.... you're right, when I met him he was either upset or having a mental breakdown and I definitely wouldn't describe him as a smiling sunshine like he looks in here".

Luz handed the scroll to Willow, she felt confused; sure Hunter was not an specially joyful kid but she would have never described him the way her friends did, she thought he was actually nice, a little bit troubled, but also cute, and definitely a very good flyer derby player.

-"Well, you said he told you he had been in the emperor's coven for a long time, and he can't be older than 16, so that had to give him some damage, and I'm not talking about his cheek's scar". Gus added.

-"Yeah, you're probably right". But Willow wasn't sure he was just that. That's when the scroll buzzed and they all gathered around it to see a notification that said "Rulerzreachf4n has sent you a message".


Hunter's POV

Hunter summoned the scroll that Darius gave him earlier - he explained as best as he could to the poor boy how to use it- as soon as he locked the door of his dormitory in the castle. And as Flapjack flew across the room to lie in the window frame, he started to -try- to look for the "profiles" (that's how Darius told him the accounts of people were called) of the team, he wanted to apologize to them for, well, everything.

It took him a little while but he found the captain's profile, it was "Hello_willow" so it wasn't that difficult. Now it was time to type a meaningful message for her and the rest of the team, he would eventually type them too but for some reason he couldn't quite fully understand he had the urge to talk to her first, so he did.


heY CApTaIN, um, I jUst wAnt To aPolOgiZE fOr toDay, I shOUldN't haVe lIed tO yOu gUys and I ShoUldn'T hAve trIeD tO fORcE you InTo JoiNiNG ThE empERor's CovEn, i Really EnjoyED plaYinG flYer DerbY wiTh tHe tEam. I'm alSo soRRy foR maKinG yOu FeeL lIke A Half-A-wItCh bEcausE You'rE Not. 

After a little while he got a reply.


hi Hunter, it's ok, I'm with the team and we think you had genuine good intentions, I forgive you, we really enjoyed the game too and we hope you can find a way to play with us again.


wAit, yOu guYS dOn't hATe mE, wHy? I hURt yoU, I'm a BaD fRiEnd


NO Hunter, you didn't mean to hurt us, you had never had friends and at the end you did the right thing, so no, we don't hate you. Believe me.


oK I BelIevE yOu. thAnk yOU.

woUld iT Be oK iF wE taLKed reGUlarlY?


ofc!! (that means of course)

I gotta go, we'll talk later, byeeee


oK, tHAnkYOu, byEEeeee

Hunter felt so much more than relieved, he felt the way he did when they won the match earlier, he felt happy, but also worried, he had to protect not only his scroll but alsoFlapjack form Belos, only Titan knows what would he do if he found out, but there was something about all of this that made him amost normal and, for now, that was enough.

Hey, so this is the first little story I had in my head about what could have been shown to us if the show wasn't cancelled, I already have in mind two other stories but I don't know if they're gonna be as long as this one, but after I'm done with this lil stories that take place in season two, I'll make some sort of long story in a bunch of chapters about the hexsquad's adventures in the human realm.

Thank you for reading <3

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