Shinji First Stand

Start from the beginning

"Thats okay, I should go down and check up on kiryu anyways" akane replied

The doors closed

Shinji walked into the middle of the large room, commander Ikari sat there expressionless fingers infront of his face.

"You called for me father?" Shinji asked

"Yes, you been getting close to the pilot of Kiryu, have you not?" He asked

"Well yeah I guess, but why are you asking?" Shinji asked

"Has she mentioned any information about Kiryu? He asked in a more demanding tone.

"We don't really talk about being pilots when we are together, but again why are you asking me this?" Shinji asked

Gendo didn't answer but he put his hands down.

"Listen shinji, you must stay away from Akane, whatever relationship you have with her you must stop it" Gendo said

Shinji grew angry and with his boost confidence he finally had the nerve to speak up.

"No" he simply said

"Speak up" He demanded

"I said no, you think you can tell me who I can be with, you have no right not as a superior officer and definitely not as a father" Shinji yelled

Gendo was surpsied by this

"Shinji listen I will not tell you again.." he was cut off.

"And I will not tell you again, don't tell me who and who I can't be with, try anything to separate akane and I just remeber I'm the only one who can pilot unit 1" shinji said

He turned and walked away, gendo was blown away at this his usual scowl was the replaced with a face of confusion. Shinji left and Fuyusuki walked in, the doors closed

"Well seems shinji has changed, thanks to Akane" Fuyusuki said

While shinji was talking to gendo, rei and akane were going down the elevator in silence. The door opened again and Auska walked in.

"Great you two" auska said

The elevator went on.

"So where's shinji?" Auska said

"With the commander?" Akane said

Rei looked back at akane.

"With his...father?" Rei asked

"Yeah, hard to believe they are related, they are nothing alike" akane replied

"Whatever not like I care or anything, what I want to know is....have you and shinji had sex yet?" Auska asked

Akane and Rei both blushed turning red.

"Auska, You shouldn't be asking those kinds of questions" Akane replied

"You Japanese are so preserved, it's just sex it's a natural thing that happens" Auska said

Rei finally spoke up.

"The only reason you want to know is because you like him too" Rei said

"Yeah so what, who cares if I do like that idiot" Auska said crossing her arms

"Th only problem is he will never love you becuase he cars about you but you are always a bitch to him" Rei said

Auska looked at rei anger in her face.

"What did you just call me?" Auska asked

"Whenever he would have a bad day he would tell me how much of a bitch you were and how much he hated you" Rei said in her still emotionless voice

Auska went mad rasing her hand but Akane grabbed her arm, she struggled in the grip.

"You stupid little slut!" Auska shouted

Akane grabbed Auska and slammed her to the wall before giving her a loud slap.

"Calm yourself please" Akane said in a calm gentle voice

Auska fell to the floor looking down and crying.

"First Kaji now shinji, I just keep getting rejected by men I love" she said

Akane got on one knee.

"This may sound like a crazy idea but maybe we can all make him happy" Akane said

Auska looked at akane and looked away

"What like a 4 way relationship, don't be stupid" she replied

"Now who's being resevered" akane said smiling

Auska looked at her and laughed a little, akane helped her up

"Well not exactly a relationship like that I mean we can all pull together and make shinji happy becuaee isn't that what we all want" Akane explained

They all nodded in agreement. Auska had her cocky smile back on soon enough.

"Bet i can be shinjis first" Auska said

"But I already his first" Rei said

"EEEEHHHHH!?!?!" Auska and Akane said

Rei turned and looked at them and for the first time, smiled

"Im just kidding," rei said



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