Chapter 67. Desire

Start from the beginning

Ken! I am under the knowledge that you are in the second semester of your 4th year, I am sure you understand all of the basics that have been taught. So tell me, what level are you currently at and why are you having issues with space magic." Professor Gilliam asked, putting Ken under the spotlight in front of the class right from the start.

"I am close to divine level on all 4 basic elemental magic as well as all 3 physical enhancements. I am also doing alright in the written classes for theories and whatnot so everything is pretty much guaranteed to be divine level before the end of this semester.

I guess my issue with space magic is that I learn best hands on. It's easy for me to grasp the concept of fire or water or how I can run faster or be stronger but space is intangible and without the ability to feel or see it, I am having a hard time being able to conjure it." Ken replied, not fazed by the sudden call out and spoke comfortably to the room full of mostly older students who are in awe that he is almost at divine level at such a young age.

"Hence why space magic is a master level course from the very beginning and why masters of space magic are so sought after. There you have it class, even if you weren't talented enough to be accepted to Dragonspire, if you could understand and conjure space magic, your future will be bright." Professor Gilliam preached to the class while keeping throwing shades at Ken for his inability to learn space magic to Rose's dismay.

"If I knew he was going to talk so badly about you in front of everyone, I would have made him teach you in his free time one on one instead of making you take all this." Rose whispered to Ken as the class continued.

"As long as I can learn space magic from him, I will gladly let him take a few jabs at me and make the rest of the students here feel better." Ken replied with a smile, unbothered by the professor's words.

As the lesson went on, Ken was easily able to follow every concept the professor was trying to teach as the class was not much different from how it's taught in Dragonspire.

"Maybe it's just not meant to be. I couldn't learn Nolan's speed since it's innate, maybe I'm not just meant to learn space magic." Ken complained as the pair finished the first lesson with the beginner class and headed for some lunch.

"Don't give up after just a single lesson. Besides, dad told you to attend the intermediate and advanced classes as well. Maybe something will click." Rose offered as the pair grabbed some food at the dining hall.

"I guess. Anyways, where are your friends? You spent all day yesterday showing me around but we are at the academy now, shouldn't your friends join us?" Ken wondered.

"What friends do you speak of? I don't have any friends." Rose replied without hesitation.

"Why not?"

"What do you mean why not. You know what I am and what I have to deal with. It's not like I am a normal person who can just make friends with others and be normal." Rose replied, getting annoyed.

"I mean, why would a friend care about any of that. Besides, you hide it so well it's not like it's even noticeable." Ken replied as he looked at the girl covered from neck down in a dark dress similar to the one she wore yesterday.

"People talk, Ken. The entire school knows I am just a doll created by Sylvester. They might not say anything to my face because of my father but I can hear the whispers even when I don't normally leave the house much." Rose answered, as the pair finished up their lunch and headed back to the building to join the afternoon session for the intermediate lessons.

"I think you are projecting too much. Sure, some people might be bad just like some beastman that judged me and my siblings as kids but most were nice and didn't care that we are different. I'm sure if you give people a chance, you will make plenty of friends." Ken offered as the pair walked to the training facility where lessons took place for the intermediate class.

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