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Episode 2
They got to the palace after a long ride, some groups of uniformed women came to their direction with their faces not getting off the ground.Y/n didn't know what it meant, she only wondered how they were able to move quickly,yet, didn't bumb into anyone.they could easily be assassinated if care wasn't taken.but thinking of such, is there such a thing as assassination in a place as this? everyone seems to be keeping a low profile she thought. the palace was massive indeed but it was almost empty.this way a lady directed.she was putting on a different almost alike uniform compered to the others,her head was raised high as though she had pride in herself.she must be their leader Y/n thought following the other girls from behind, the ladies whose heads were kept low, followed them from behind.I am madam Lang, your head mistress, I'm the one in charge, you all are under me.she said proudly and took a turn which all other ladies behind her followed in a rush, she took her longest strides that she couldn't walk so well with everyone behind her tried meeting up with her as if they were secretly trying to catch a proud careless peacock.over there, is the royal's garden it's leafs are to be trimmed twice a week.she said pointing to a spacious environment filled with trees of different kinds, there were two swings close to a pool and a table with four chairs around it.some parts were tilled and some with different textures of sand each for a specific thing. it brought out a very good comforting scent from afar.Y/n was lost staring that she forgot that they were people around.
Y/n!!"a girl called.she's among the 10 girls that came from the orphanage home"Y/n rushed over as they kept on walking seeing new magnificent things,it was as though the palace had no end, one could easily get lost. They came to a huge building.inside it was filled with cooking and eating utensils.
This is the kitchen, you all are to be here before 6am in the morning, before 12pm by noon and before 5pm in the evening.failure to miss a day or be late,attracts punishment"madam Lang informed and led them out of the kitchen"they continued with their movements.over there, is the palace, each day, some of you would be assigned to clean it up, some would do the prince's room, some to the queen's room, some to the king's room, some would do the surrounding and the rest would be shared to do any work that would be assigned to you"madam Lang said as they kept on with their journey"they got to a building that was not so fancied, they got inside, by the sides, there were doors down to the end of the lobby.with their numbers, the lobby didn't seem so spacious this is were you all would be staying, in each room, a total of 6 persons are expected to be there,no room should have above 6 persons in it.5 of you to one room, the other's to the one next door.there is a maid in each rooms you can enquire more about this palace go in and quickly get changed, you're all beginning with your duty post from today"madam Lang said and left taking the other maids with her".

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