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Episode 1
Y/n, could you please ensure that the kids are having their meals?"Madam Lin asked"sure"Y/n nodded and left.madam Lin couldn't help but smile at the detaching figure what sort of parents wouldn't want to keep such a girl as their daughter she thought, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to have neglected the parents that wanted to buy Y/n, she just don't think they are good enough for Y/n the only prettiest girl in the orphanage home.You must be the one in charge?"a man asked they were two other men behind putting on the same clothes as the one in front"Yes i am, and how may i help you?"Madam Lin asked surprised"we need 10 ladies from age 16-19"the third man said.madam Lin knew exactly who they are and didn't ask for any info of them"please make yourselves comfortable, while i'll go get them ready"Madam Lin said and excused herself, she got to the girls room and immediately hastened them to get parking.Y/n came to report the news of what she was sent to do to madam lin she was surprised when she saw everyone parking she immediately did the same.they were just ten of them in the room.Madam Lin noticed Y/n following them behind.except you Y/n"madam lin said.Y/n still couldn't figure out why madam Lin always object her from being taken, she wanted to as well get to see out there, outside this orphanage home and experience life but madam Lin never let her.she stayed there in the lobby close to the 9 girls that were about to leave her behind, she would be the only girl left with no one to chat,play and laugh with.she can't take it,if madam Lin doesn't let her go with the other girls,then she would sneak.she watched the girls leaving with the men.get ready to carry out your secret task she thought to herself.what about her?"the second man asked facing Y/n's direction"
No, she...
Here"the man gave her more than the required payments" we'll take her"he said"
No, she can't go with you..
I'll go"Y/n said surprising everyone"why can't i?"Y/n asked"
Y/n..."madam Lin called"
Everyone is going except me,I can't stay here anylonger doing nothing but watch out for the kids, watch out for the building and all that while you go about, knowing things out there and what about I?,I never get to see what it's like to be out there,I want to go out there and see things for myself too...
Y/n.."madam Lin called, tears were slowly falling off her eyes Y/n's words installed some guilty feelings in her heart"
Please let me go with them"Y/n pleaded tears feel slowly down her soft smooth cheeks".
I'm sorry Y/n,I thought you didn't wanted to leave the orphanage home,i thought i was doing you good, not allowing you to be taken,I'm so sorry if i had deprived you of what you deserved,I was being too over protective of you.please forgive me.you can go with them if you wish to, but please, take good care of yourself.I love you Y/n"madam Lin said and hugged her caringly before letting go.she faced the men giving them her approving look before turning back to Y/n"take care"she said with a smile which Y/n gladly gave back with a small nod then they left".

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