The Prototype

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Over the next few weeks, Professor Cornwell had his sixth year DADA class running through several different combat scenarios designed to improve the students awareness as well as their duelling ability.

"Very rarely do you get one on one duels when fighting." Said Professor Cornwell. "There tends to be obstacles within your environment as well as other enemies to deal with, you must use these to your advantage."

Harry found many of these tricks to be useful, they were using the room of requirement for lessons like these. On the whole, the student body seemed to like Professor Cornwell much more than Professor Snape as a teacher, even some of the Slytherin's didn't like Snape as a teacher and most of their house was biased towards him.

After there tiring lesson, Harry, Ron and Hermione all trudged back down to the great hall for dinner, Ginny spotted them and waved them over to her spot, the great hall seemed to be packed with nearly every student.

"Hey you." Said Harry as he slid into the seat next to her, giving Ginny a kiss.

"Hey yourself." Said Ginny with a grin as she watched Ron and Hermione sit opposite them. "How was your Defence against the dark arts session with Professor Cornwell?"

"Really tiring but good," Answered Ron. "We've been going over combat situations in different environments and practicing in them."

"What have you been doing with the fourth year class?" Asked Hermione.

"Mainly focusing on the dueling tactics as well as some combat scenarios but not quite at a high level," Explained Ginny. "Though to be honest I have been finding it a bit easier than most people in my year and Professor Cornwell has commented on it."

"It would be great if you were moved up to fifth year." Said Harry as he winked at Ginny who playfully nudged his shoulder.

"You two," said Ron exasperatedly. "You are both sickening at time."

"Shut up Ronald." Said Ginny as she gave Harry a deep and passionate kiss.

"Honestly those two-" Ron was interrupted by Hermione's lips suddenly on his.

Harry and Ginny pulled apart from there quick snog and stared in shock as Hermione kissed Ron out of the blue, and the two didn't look like they were going to stop, Ron's arms wrapped around Hermione and pulled her closer until she was practically in his lap.

Ginny cleared her throat in a similar impression to that of Umbridge, causing her brother and her best friend to split apart.

"Wow!" Exclaimed Ron, his cheeks red but he looked very happy with himself.

"Finally!" Said Harry. "Took the two of you long enough."

"What?!" Said Ron and Hermione in unison as Harry and Ginny shared a laugh at there two friends.


Harry had made sure to ask Ginny to the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, just because two people were dating didn't mean that you shouldn't ask your partner to Hogsmeade.

Harry had made a reservation for a table at the Three broomsticks for the two of them in a somewhat secluded booth away from onlookers and Harry wondered what sexy outfit Ginny would be wearing. Even with the cold weather restricting what clothing Ginny could wear, Harry thought she looked beautiful in pretty much anything, or nothing.

At one point they had considered the possibility that there would be no Hogsmeade trips this year due to safety concerns of the students, but thankfully for the student body, they were allowed.

"You looking for me Potter." Said a familiar voice from the top of the spiral stairs that led to the girls dormitories. Harry grinned when he saw Ginny, not able to take his eyes of her in the tight fitting blue jeans and a Gryffindor jumper that seemed a little tight on her, which showed off the outline of her breasts.

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