Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

216 6 3

As soon as Harry read the letter and voiced the words in his head, a building appeared between number eleven and number thirteen. Moody took the note from Harry and set it on fire, the piece of parchment turned to ash in seconds.

"We haven't got all day Potter." Barked Moody, prodding Harry in the back with his wand.

Harry and the group headed up to the front porch and Moody opened it for them and let them in.

Harry stepped inside the house, it was somewhat decrepid, as if it hadnt been lived in for a decade until recently, but looked liked it had been somewhat cleaned. Harry made his way down the hallway and was told by Moody to remain quiet as they passed a painting that had a shabby and black curtain placed over it. Once Harry was at the end Tonks handed him his trunk.

"There is a meeting going on, but if you head on upstairs and you'll find the rest of your friends up their." Said Tonks with a smile.

"Thanks Tonks." Said Harry with a smile as he took his trunk and hauled it up the stairs, their were some heads of what looked liked previous house elves on the walls going up.

He stopped on the first floor, he opened the door to the left off the stairs in which he could hear muffled talking and movement from. He opened it and the first thing he heard was....

"HARRY!" a girl squealed as she flew right into him, embracing him in a hug, Harry was caught off guard but hugged her back, realising it was his bookish friend Hermione.

"Hermione, give the man some room to breath." Said Ron as Harry clapsed hands with him as they embraced in a bro hug.

After Ron hugged him he noticed Ginny in the room as well, she got up and the two embraced a little awkwardly, since they had never hugged before really since the chamber but it wasn't too bad, and Harry liked the smell of her flowery scent.

After they all settled down on Ron and Harry's beds, Harry asked them what had happened here since he got back from Privet Drive.

"Professor Dumbledore came round and told us we had to stay here, because of the threat of you-know-who now that he is back in a human form." Said Hermione.

Harry feigned ignorance to the information from Ginny's letter though she did pipe up before Ron could. "It's okay Harry you can tell them, I trust them." Ginny stretched her legs out on the bed a little as she spoke.

Harry sighed before looking at his two best friends. "Ginny sent me a letter about a fortnight ago, I know what this place is and what the group is called and all that before I even got in trouble for using magic to fend off two dementors."

Ron and Hermione sent questioning  looks at Ginny who simply retorted back at them. "Well screw the bloody rules, Harry has more of a right to know than even Dumbledore, he's faced off against Tom more times than I remember."

Hermione looked like she wanted to chastise Ginny for what she did but Ron just shook his head apologetically. "You did the right thing Ginny, we were just worried we would get caught."

"It's okay, the issue is though that we haven't been told anything going during the meetings, even Fred and George, who are seventeen now don't know anything." Said Hermione

Speaking of the twins, the two of them popped in out of nowhere. "Mention our lovely names did you Hermione." Said George.

"We were wondering what the lot of you were up to on this fine evening." Said Fred.

"Mum still not letting you hear what's going on?" Asked Ron.

"No little bro." Said Fred.

"But even if we knew." Said George.

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