Dumbledore's Army

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Harry was confused to see Dumbledore pacing through the great hall, as if something was plaguing his mind.

"Professor Dumbledore seems occupied by something." Said Ron as he and Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"You aren't wrong there mate." Said Harry as he saw Ginny walk in, talking with some of her friends. When she spotted him she gave him a smile and told her friends she would see them all in class, to which they gave her knowing looks.

Most of the school had found out that Harry was dating Ginny and many people, mainly girls, were constantly throwing themselves at him, He of course didn't understand why they wanted him that much and many others had said that Harry would be much better off dating them, and some of the offers he got were ones that really shocked him.

One girl, called Romilda vane who was in third year had cornered Harry on his way to transfiguration and had said to him.

"I'll suck you off real good Potter if you ditch Weasley and take me." Said Harry.

Ron wasn't far behind and told Vane to stuff it and that he and Harry would go to McGonagall if she kept harassing Harry.

"Why do some women think throwing themselves at me or giving me ludicrous offers to me will get me into a relationship with me." Harry huffed as he sat down to dinner that same day.

"Because Harry," said Ginny, her hand on his leg. "These so called women want to be able to brag that they were able to get into the 'boy-who-lived' robes, or at least the ones who don't think you are a lunatic for saying Voldemort is back."

"Speaking of," said Harry leaning closer so that only Ron, Hermione and Ginny could hear them. "We need to do something about Umbridge, people are complaining about the fact that we aren't learning anything useful in Defence against the dark arts."

"I have an idea," said Hermione. "I won't discuss about it until tonight."

Harry nodded, he hoped that Hermione's plan was a good one. And that was something he was disagreeing with Hermione on that evening in the Gryffindor common room.

"You want me to teach defence against the dark arts?" Asked Harry bewilderedly.

"Harry, you've gone up against more than anybody else has, and you are very good at defence against the dark arts." Answered Hermione.

"You get higher grades Hermione, surely you would be better to teach." Said Harry.

"Higher grades doesn't make me better at defence against the dark arts Harry, you actually score higher in our exams, plus you've experienced alot more than me and I am a crap dueler." Said Hermione.

"Hermione!" Said Ron in amazement.

Harry was also struck in amazement and Ginny just smirked and Hermione blushed, realising the word she had used to describe her dueling capabilities.

"Seriously mate," began Ron. "You would be a great teacher, don't put yourself down about it."

Harry shook his head. "I'm not teaching anyone, maybe you three but not through whole bloody school."

Harry got up and headed to his dormitory, whilst he wasn't a fan of the idea of teaching defence against the dark arts at first, he wondered if maybe he would perhaps be a great teacher, and it would be nice to be breaking some rules right under that fat toads nose.

He would think about it later, right now he required some sleep.


That afternoon when he bumped into Ron and Hermione again he spoke with them.

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