Delores Umbridge

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Harry was rather nervous about his upcoming disciplinary hearing. Despite knowing his innocence, he doubted that the ministry would see any reason to believe him and would much sooner see his wand snapped than actually listen to reason and drop the undeserved charges.

"It's rather strange, don't you think?" Began Hermione when Harry, Ron, Herself, and Ginny were all sat on the floor between the two beds in Ron and Harry's room.

"That Harry almost immediately gets sent a letter after allegedly breaking the law after he was attacked by two dementors, I've never heard of dementors going rogue, nervemind somehow wondering to surrey, especiallyconsidering the distance from Azkaban prison" Said Hermione thoughtfully.

"The ministry are in control of them, its obvious that someone wanted to silence me." Said Harry.

"Well, the ministry does have control over the dementors like you said,, so it is very likely that someone like Fudge or maybe Malfoy sent then after you." Said Ron.

Sirius opened the door and looked somewhat alarmed. "I've just gotten word from Kingsley that your trial time has been changed. It's in half an hour, you better get ready."

"Why didn't they even bother to tell me?" said Harry as his friends left to give him some privacy.

"They are trying to make you look more like a fool. It's fortunate that Kingsley told me." Said Sirus.

Harry whipped on the smartest clothes he had tried to sort out his hair, but it was no use. He hurried downstairs, and Arthur Weasley was taking Harry to the ministry.

Arthur took Harry by the arm and side along apparated to a street somewhere in the centre of muggle London.

"It's just round here," began Arthur as he made his way down the empty street. "There's an entrance around here to the ministry, and it's used only by visitors."

They stopped at an out of order telephone box, and Arthur ushered Harry inside.

"Now, let's see." Arthur said to himself as he dialled in a five digit number that Harry could not tell.

"Please state your name and reason of visit." Said a cool female voice.

"Arthur Weasley, I'm taking Harry Potter to his hearing." Said Arthur clearly.

A few badges dropped into a small tub connected to the far wall of the telephone box, Harry put one of them on as the telephone box began to sink into the ground.

Harry stared in awe at the inside if the ministry, its had walls of black marble and glass, with a large Atrium with many small rooms along a large wall that looked to be offices, with glass windows. A fountain with five golden statues consisting of a wizard, witch, goblin, house elf, and a dragon.

A large sheet hung from the ceiling. It was a large black and white picture of Cornelius Fudge, as it was displayed prominently for all to see.

Arthur and Harry manoeuvred through the crowd towards one of the lifts that no one was using. Arthur dialled in for level nine, which housed the entrance to the department of mysteries and courtrooms one through ten.

"Strange how these courtrooms are being used," said Arthur as they exited the lift. "These courtrooms haven't been used since the first war, normally death eaters where tried and sentenced here."

Harry didn't like the sound of that but knew that this was a psychological ploy from Fudge to make him feel self conscious and sow doubt into his mind, he knew he was innocent and that was what mattered.

"Well, I'm not allowed in. I'm afraid I'll have to wait out here for you," said Arthur. "Good luck, Harry."

Harry smiled his thanks to Arthur Weasley before he opened the door to courtroom ten.

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