The SCP Foundation at Hogwarts

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Hermione arrived in the morning from her skiing trip in time to join Harry and the Weasley's at Diagon Alley in London and to see Fred and George's joke shop. They were accompanied by a guard, but instead of foundation security, it was some hand picked members of the order of the phoenix. In the guard was Remus, Tonks, Hagrid and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Upon reaching the Alley after tapping the combination of bricks, Harry found that the once bustling shopping area, bright with colour, loud with noise from people chatting and all sorts as well as the bustling of a nice summers day was the polar opposite of how the Alley was now, dark and devoid of any colour, most of the shops were boarded up with signs saying 'CLOSED' except for a few important school supplies shops such as Ollivanders wand shop.

There were wanted posters of death eaters as well as leaflets on how families could protect themselves as part of the new ministry defence protocols that had been established now that Amelia Bones was the new minister of magic. Stalls were setup as many magical vendors attempted to sell amulets, necklaces, rings and other trinkets that allegedly provided certain "protections" to the wearer, something Arthur Weasley was not a fan of because of his new job in dealing with these kind of illegitimate vendors.

"They should be thankful that I don't have a warrant other wise they'd have all been arrested." Said Arthur Weasley through gritted teeth, a tone they had never heard the normally gentle man speak.

"Leave it Arthur, it's bad enough that the Alley is in this state as it is." Said Mrs. Weasley, putting a hand on her husband's shoulder.

Eventually they found the joke shop and the ground was mesmerised at the stark contrast between the state of the shop and the state of Duagon Alley, the shop was a buzz with laughter and colourful lights, it was decorated in and orange and purple colour on the exterior, there was some jokes that had been written on paper and plasted on some of the windows. One of them caused even Mrs. Weasley to chuckle.

"Why are you worrying about You-Know-who when you ahould be worrying about U-NO-POO?
The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!"

The group entered the joke shop and just like the outside, the inside was packed full of people, both students and grown-ups who were interested in the assortment of products, there were original products that the twins had come up with at Hogwarts and some newer products they had come up with Harry assumed over the summer.

"Harry!" Said a cheerful voice from up the stairs. He turned around to see it was one of the Twins which he gussed was Fred.

"Looks like business is booming." Said Harry with a grin as Fred patted his shoulder.

"Indeed it is, and our grateful thanks goes to our sole, super-secret partner." Said Fred. "Would you like a tour? George and Verity are dealing with the customers so I'm free at this time."

"I'd love one." Said Harry as Fred showed him around.

"We've got the usual pranks section which involves some of the products we tested at Hogwarts as well as some new ones, we've got a section for muggle prabks, figured there might be people liked dad who are obsessed with muggles at heart and rever in there culture and all that." Fred pointed to anothet section of the shop. "we've got a ladies section full of magical perfumes and make-ups," Fred pointed to wear Hermione and Ginny were currently perusing some of the perfumes. "Never thought our dear sister was into such girly things."

"But you would now our sister very well as you are rather smitten with her." Joked George from behind them.

"Hello my fellow handsome twin, left Verity with all the work have you now?" Asked Fred as he clasped George's hand.

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