The KETER Class Anomalies

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There was an almost mysterious and somewhat cautiously atmosphere as Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione entered the great hall for there next lecture, apparently they would be learning about the KETER class anomalies of the SCP foundation, from what many could of the students could tell, these were some of the most dangerous that the SCP Foundation had discovered.

"Good evening everyone," Dr. Jackson greeted them as everyone quietened down. "Now I'm going to get straight to the point and say that what you are about to learn could be very disturbing to many of you, the true horrors of the SCP foundation are within some of these files, anomalies that range from hostile entities that are difficult to contain to outright uncontainable anomalies that could cause mass destruction if neccessary protocols weren't taken to prevent disaster from striking our world."

The screen flickered to show an instance of SCP-939 which Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Neville and Luna all recognised as having attacked them in the battle of the department of mysteries.

"This is an instance of SCP-939, one of the many instances that Lord Voldemort has shown a particular interest in capturing, they are extremely hostile and utilise a form of echo location for sight and hearing, they are also able to mimic voices of humans and they release what we call an amnesic cloud, which is used normally as way of removing memories of events in people's minds." Explained Dr. Jackson. "They are actually not the most difficult to contain, but there are so many of them that it is impossible to completely contain or neutralise them."

"Another instance you might be familiar with is SCP-3199," Explained Dr. Jackson as the image flickered to a deformed humanoid creature which everyone in the room gasped in realisation and recognition. "Yes, the instance of SCP-3199 are also the same as the ones who attacked the Hogwarts express at the end of last school year."

"SCP-3199 is a species that is incredibly good at preventing themselves from becoming extinct, because they are constantly able to produce extremely tough eggs that will be produced until there is no space left for them, this can include a room being filled completely with eggs, we have been able to destroy them after bathing eggs in liquid nitrogen after which we then applied extreme pressure, using heat to destroy them unless you have a flamethrower which has a flame that is as hot as the surface of the sun, which SCP-1853 does." Explained Dr. Jackson.

"So that's why he cremated the bodies of SCP-3199, it was to destroy the eggs." Said Hermione quietly to the rest of their group.

"Voldemort will have a large supply of both SCP-939 instances and SCP-3199 instances and he will likely continue to use them as an offensive resource but there is another anomaly that he has within his collection." Began Dr. Jackson as the screen flickered to show a large, powerful and strong reptile with sharp teeth, it's massive tail flailing in the air as it was surrounded by many armed personnel.

"SCP-682 is arguably one of the most infamous SCPs, it is often nicknamed as the hard-to-destroy-reptile," Explained Dr. Jackson. "Mainly due to the fact that attempts to kill it so far have been near impossible, and I say near impossible because there has been a case where a version of SCP-682 was found dead in another dimension."

"SCP-682 is extremely proficient at adapting to any new environment or threat, it is able to regenerate lost tissue no matter how much damage is dealt to it, it has a hatred of all life and has broken containment many times and will continue to do so until it can be neutralised." Explained Dr. Jackson. "I have here with me some of the results of termination tests that gave been made against SCP-682."

He pulled out several files from his briefcase and set them down underneath a projector. "The first one here featured the use of SCP-173," began Dr. Jackson. "After taking out SCP-682's eyes, SCP-173 was able to break SCP-682's neck as well as several of its other bones."

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