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The villagers of daylight prairie was alive with excitement as Yala stepped into her village. Villagers surrounded her, their questions a rapid torrent of concern and curiosity. "Yala, you're back!" "We missed you!" "Did those devils harm you?" The barrage of inquiries overwhelmed her senses, each voice adding to the chaos.

Zuma, her brother, stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "Fellow villagers!" His voice carried authority, quelling the commotion. "Yala has just arrived. She needs rest. Please, give her some space!" His directive brought a hush over the crowd, and with it, a path cleared for Yala to move forward.

As they walked to their home, Zuma's attempt to lighten the atmosphere was evident. "You must be hungry. Let me cook some great food for my one and only sister, huh!" His words carried a touch of warmth, an effort to ease the heaviness that had come with Yala's return. "Well, I might not be the best cook out there, but better than nothing, right?" he added with a chuckle.

Later that evening, as they prepared to sleep, Yala and Zuma lay in separate beds. The room was silent, yet the weight of unspoken emotions hung in the air. Zuma broke the silence, his voice gentle in the dim light. "Good night, sis. Dream nice." His words were a simple wish, a reminder of their bond.

"Thanks, you too," Yala replied softly, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. Sleep eluded both of them, the stillness of the room filled with unspoken thoughts. After a pause, Zuma's voice broke the silence once again. "Hey, Yala, if something happened, you'd tell me, right?" His words held a subtle uncertainty, a hidden concern.

"Something?" Yala asked, her voice tentative.

"Like, if there was a problem, or I don't know, anything. You'd tell me, right?" Zuma's question held a mixture of worry and hope.

Yala hesitated for a moment, her thoughts churning. "Of course, of course, I would," she finally replied, her tone slightly nervous.

With that, the room fell into quiet again, the weight of their unspoken words lingering. As the day came to an end, Yala and Zuma found solace in the familiarity of their shared space, even as questions lingered in the air, unanswered yet understood.

Yup sorry for the short chapter

I've been pretty busy with life these days, I wasn't able to publish properly. Deeply sorry about that. As soon as I find time, I'll publish new chapters, 

I promiseヾ( •'⌓'•)ノ゙

THX for reading the chapter, see you soon

":♡•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴

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