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Thx for checking up this chapter guys! I hope your enjoying the story so far! I hope you like this chapter. (ノ*・ω・)ノ

Yala's mind is still clouded with questions and uncertainties. The weight of her doubts and the conflicting emotions within her drive her to seek guidance. She decides to turn to the one person who has always been a source of wisdom to her—Gramma Zari.

With a determined stride, Yala makes her way through the familiar paths of the village, her thoughts racing. As she reaches Gramma Zari's humble dwelling, she takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

"Gramma Zari, it's me, Yala," she calls out, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

The door creaks open, revealing the elderly woman with a sly smile, her eyes gleaming with a dark intensity. Gramma Zari invites Yala inside, motioning her to take a seat.

Yala feels a sense of comfort, her memories of Gramma Zari's kindness and guidance flooding back. She shares her experiences with the mysterious kid, her voice filled with hope and curiosity.

Gramma Zari listens intently, her expression masking her true intentions. As Yala finishes speaking, a twisted smile tugs at Gramma Zari's lips.

"You've been entangled in a web of deceit, my dear," she says, her voice dripping with a sinister undertone. "These devils you encountered are nothing but vile creatures, undeserving of your mercy or second chances."

Yala's brows furrow as doubt starts to creep into her mind. She looks at Gramma Zari, searching for answers, but the elderly woman's eyes seem to dance with a wicked delight.

"You mustn't be swayed by their false acts of kindness," Gramma Zari continues, her voice like a venomous whisper. "They are cunning, manipulative beings, using your vulnerability to further their wicked agenda. You must fight against them, my dear Yala. Let the flames of your hatred burn bright, for only then can justice be served."

Yala's heart starts to pound, her mind caught in a whirlwind of confusion. She had always trusted Gramma Zari, believed in her wisdom, but now doubt creeps into her soul. She tries to reconcile the image of the kind and wise grandmother with the dark words she hears now.

"But Gramma Zari," Yala stammers, her voice trembling. "What about the acts of kindness I witnessed? The compassion they showed?"

Gramma Zari's laughter fills the room, sending chills down Yala's spine. "Oh, my dear child, don't be fooled by their tricks. They know how to manipulate, how to play with your emotions. It's all part of their grand scheme. They will lead you astray, and in the end, you will pay the price."

Yala's head spins with conflicting emotions. Gramma Zari's words, laced with hatred and bitterness, worm their way into her mind, clouding her judgment. She had hoped for guidance, but instead, she finds herself sinking deeper into a pit of darkness.

As Yala leaves Gramma Zari's dwelling, a sense of unease settles within her. She tries to shake off the doubts that now plague her thoughts, but the seed of hatred has been planted, nourished by Gramma Zari's words.

Unbeknownst to Yala, she walks a dangerous path, manipulated by the very person she trusted most. The true face of Gramma Zari, a demonic presence hidden beneath a benevolent facade, remains concealed from Yala's perception.

Little does Yala know that she is being molded into a weapon..

Little does Yala know that she is being molded into a weapon

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