デA̷w̷a̷k̷e̷n̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷T̷h̷r̷e̷a̷t̷s̷デ

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Yala gradually regains consciousness, her head throbbing and her vision blurred. As the fog in her mind lifts, she finds herself in an unfamiliar room, dimly lit by flickering candles. A figure stands nearby, watching her intently.

"Oh, you're awake," the kid says, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his voice. "I didn't expect you to be so skilled in combat. I thought you were just another pawn."

Yala's eyes narrow as she struggles to sit up, her body aching from the previous battle. "Don't underestimate me," she retorts, her voice firm and resolute. "I'm not here to play games."

The kid smirks, his playful nature evident. "I like that fire in you," he replies, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "But make no mistake, we're not friends. I brought you here because I couldn't stand seeing you suffer. Once you're healed, I'll send you back to Daylight Prairie."

Yala's brow furrows in confusion. She tries to recall how she ended up here but finds her memory hazy. "Who are you?" she asks, her voice laced with suspicion.

The kid's smirk widens. "Names don't matter," he says cryptically. "For now, just remember that we're enemies. And enemies we shall remain."

Before Yala can respond, a distant rumble shakes the room, followed by the distant screams of villagers. The realization hits them both simultaneously - the village is under attack.

Yala pushes herself to sit up, but pain shoots through her body, a reminder of her injuries. She winces, realizing she can't fight in her current condition.

The kids playful expression transforms into a moment of concern. "You're not fit to fight," he says, his voice unexpectedly serious. "I'll get you to a safe place."

He carefully helps Yala to her feet, supporting her as they make their way through the chaos. They navigate the narrow streets of the village, the sound of battle growing louder with each step.

As they reach a central gathering area, Yala sees a group of elders and children huddled together, seeking refuge. Aris guides her towards them, ensuring her safety among his people.

One of the villagers spots the kid and calls out to him, "Aris, we need your help! The creatures are relentless!"

Yala listens intently, her curiosity piqued by the mention of his name. "Aris, eh?" she muses silently.

With a nod to the villager, Aris turns back to Yala. "Stay here with them," he says, his tone firm yet tinged with a hidden concern. "I'll go and fight alongside the strong villagers. We'll push back these creatures together."

Yala watches him, a mix of conflicting emotions swirling within her. The hatred for his people still lingers, but beneath the surface, a growing curiosity and a sense of gratitude begin to take root.

As Aris joins the fight, Yala sits among the villagers, her injured body aching and her mind racing. The juxtaposition of her feelings leaves her uncertain of her next move.

The clash of steel and roars of the creatures echo through the village, each sound a painful reminder of the ongoing battle. Yala's gaze shifts between the chaos outside and the fearful faces of the villagers beside her.

Her heart pounds in her chest, torn between her past beliefs and the reality unfolding before her. The sight of the creatures being fought and killed unsettles her, a stark contrast to the narratives she has been fed.



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