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The light villagers, led by Zuma, surge forward with intensity, demanding Yala's return from the devils. Their eyes are filled with anger and determination as they confront the devils who stand before them, attempting to take the situation lightly.

"Where is she?!" Zuma shouts, his voice echoing with a mix of anger and worry. "What have you done to my sister?!"

Aris steps forward, a calm yet firm expression on his face. "We haven't done anything to her. Yala is safe and unharmed," he replies, hoping to ease Zuma's fears.

Just as the tension escalates, Yala appears from afar, running toward the scene. "Zuma! I'm here!" she calls out, her voice filled with relief.

Zuma's eyes lock with Yala's as she approaches, and in that moment, all his anger dissipates, leaving only love and concern for his sister. As they meet in a tight embrace, Yala feels a sense of homecoming, knowing that her brother cares for her deeply.

As Yala and Zuma embrace, Aris watches from a distance, not wanting to intrude on their heartfelt reunion. He can't help but feel a mixture of emotions as he sees the bond between the siblings. He knows that Yala needs to go back to her village, but a part of him wishes she could stay just a little longer.

Relieved, Zuma begins to check Yala's face and her light wing count, ensuring she's unharmed. Yala explains, "Zuma, I'm okay. They haven't harmed me. In fact, they've helped me heal." She glances back at Aris and the other devils, a gesture of gratitude in her eyes.

Zuma is taken aback by his sister's words, finding it hard to reconcile with the idea of the devils showing any kindness. "Helped you? How can you trust them after everything they've done to our people?" he asks, still struggling to understand her perspective.

Yala places a reassuring hand on her brother's shoulder, looking into his eyes with sincerity. "I don't fully trust them yet, Zuma, but I've learned that not all of them are evil. They have their struggles and pain, just as we do. We can't let hatred blind us to the possibility of finding common ground," she explains, her voice filled with empathy and understanding.

Zuma takes a moment to process his sister's words, torn between his anger and the love he has for her. "I don't know if I can do that, Yala. But if you believe there's a chance for peace, then I'll trust you," he says, his resolve softened by his sister's earnest plea.

Zuma senses the sadness in Aris's eyes and approaches him. "Thank you for taking care of my sister," he says, his voice sincere. "We sure are enemies and all, but I am surely thankful to you, for taking care of her."

Aris nods, trying to hide his true feelings. "It was the right thing to do. She needed help, and we were there for her," he replies, keeping his emotions guarded.

Yala turns her gaze to Grandma Ursula, who stands with a mixture of pride and concern in her eyes. She gives her a small wave, silently thanking her for everything she's done. Grandma Ursula nods back, understanding the unspoken gratitude.

Then, Yala's eyes meet Aris's, and she can see the sadness and longing in his expression. For a moment, time seems to stand still as they share a silent understanding of the bond that has formed between them. A tear escapes from Yala's eye.

Zuma glances at his sister "Come on, Yala. Let's go back home. Everyone's been worried sick about you," he says, trying to lighten the mood.

Yala takes one last look at Aris before turning to leave with her brother. She knows she has to go back to her village, but a part of her heart will remain here. As she walks away, she can't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that things will never be the same again.

As Yala and Zuma disappear from sight, Aris watches them go, a mixture of emotions swirling inside him. He knows that their paths may lead them in different directions, but the bond they forged will remain forever.


(ↄ˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )ↄ c(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥  ˚c)


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