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Yala's appa and amma and a few other *villagers, go on together to find food, but they never return.

It's been a full week since they disappeared. The elders get to the conclusion that they were captured by the "*Devils", and they start searching all around for them. So they start searching for the Devils village."

*Villagers: Basically ordinary sky humans, that live in a normal sky village. *Devils: A shorter name for children of the dark.(I used devils, cuz always saying children of the dark is way too long, so yup)

Nobody tells Yala about her parents being captured. But she realizes that something is wrong, and decides on visiting gramma Zari.


Gramma Zari sees Yala approaching

"Zari, I'll ask you a question, but please tell me the truth. Okay?" Yala asks with concerned and determined look.

Gramma Zari gets a bit nervous, "Well I don't owe you any promises." she says, with a sincere tone.

Yala roles her eyes in worry, for her parents, "So, where is my appa, and amma?!" she asks seriously, with a look of serious concern on her face.

A face of shock appears in gramma Zari's face, she doesn't know what to say, "U-uh, W-well you already k-know. They went for f-food." she says in a nervous tone, trying to find the right words.

"I'm not that dumb. Tell me the tru-" while Yala was speaking, one of the other villagers yell at the very moment, "WE FOUND THEM!! WE KNOW THEIR LOCATION!".

Everybody starts running towards the direction the villager runs, including gramma Zari. Little  Yala is clueless of what's going on, so she just following the villager too, to where ever he is going.

...hours later. . .

They finally arrive at the village of the Devil, but unfortunately its too late...

All of them are gone, all that's left is corpse of the captured villagers...

Yala stands still, after seeing the corpse's...She doesn't say a word. tears start dropping down from her cheeks, this pain she feels, is the first and worst till now.

While Yala cries her pain out, silently...Gramma Zari gets close to her ear, and whispers. "Remember, how you asked me...What happens if they, capture...us?...As you can see with your own eyes...The ones who did this to you, appa and amma, IS THEM! the reason your left with out your parents is them...You see now Yala, we might come from the same father and mother with them, but were total different. They didn't only kill creatures of the dark...They just now also killed one of us, one of them selves.. Did they have mercy on your parents?!" she whispers all these words to Yala's ear quietly, with a devilish tone.

Tears keep dropping of Yala's face, "N-no" she cries...

"Than, you won't have mercy on them! They will suffer during that ceremony...But so did you parents...Its a life for a life, you see... You wont have mercy on them! THEY DONT DESERVE MERCY! Who knows, you or I might be the next victim? So will you have mercy on them?! After how they've killed your parents with no regret, and no mercy?!" she whispers again devilishly.

Hearing these words, Yala's face suddenly changes, the pain and the sadness is lost.. The only thing she thinks of is revenge! "N-NO I WON'T" she replies, to gramma Zari.

"Nice... Don't worry my child, your not alone, I'm here for you." gramma Zari says, with a grin appearing in her face, as she embraces Yala with her arms. While poor Yala keeps crying.

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