𝕰𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊

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Hi readers just taking your time, about this "Abba" term. You'll be seeing it a lot in this chapter specifically. It's a term (in my story) that younger siblings use, for their older brothers.

•,¸,.·'。◕ ᴗ ◕。'·.,¸,•

The village streets were quiet as Aris walked through them, the emptiness mirroring the hollowness he felt inside. Yala's departure had left an ache in his chest, a feeling of something missing that he couldn't quite put into words. As he made his way to his home, the little voices of children playing echoed through the air, a stark contrast to the heaviness in his heart.

"Appa!!! Aris is home!" His little sister's exclamation brought a fleeting smile to his lips as she rushed into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. He lifted her up, her laughter filling the air as he swung her around gently.

"HO HO HO! Son? You're late today. What took you so long?" His father's voice carried from inside the house, his jovial tone contrasting with his concern. Aris entered inside, his sister still clinging to him, and placed her beside him as his father brought plates of food to their makeshift dining table.

With a thud, his father settled on the ground, his legs crossed beneath him. Aris lowered his sister down to sit beside him as his father's voice rumbled through the room. "Hey, Abba? What's wrong? You look a little off," his sister asked, her concern genuine.

He managed a soft, forced smile for her before his father's voice broke the moment. "CHIRO!! Abba's home! Get downstairs now! The food's ready." The excited footsteps of his younger brother, Chiro, echoed as he rushed down the rock stairs upon hearing his name. He wrapped his arms around Aris's neck in an exuberant hug, calling out "Abba!"

They settled down to eat, the sounds of utensils clinking against plates filling the air. Between mouthfuls, Chiro's voice piped up with his usual curiosity. "Oh, by the way, how's it going with Yala?" His words hung in the air for a moment, the weight of her absence settling in the pit of Aris's stomach.

He hesitated, his gaze dropping momentarily. "She left," he said quietly, the words heavy on his tongue. Chiro burst into laughter, thinking he was joking. "What? Hehe, he's joking. Fool, and you believed it," he teased, chuckling.

Leava, his little sister, frowned at Chiro's words. "Chiro, what's up with the 'fool'?" She scolded him lightly, her concern apparent. Aris could see the questions forming in her eyes.

"I'm not joking," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and resignation. "She left, about an hour ago. Her people came, and she left." He tried to keep the conversation short, not wanting to dwell on the topic.

The room fell silent, the weight of the news sinking in for all of them. "What but how?" Itake, his father, voiced the questions that were on everyone's minds.

"Could we close this topic, please? I'm not in the mood, really," he said, his tone more subdued than he intended. The heaviness in the room was palpable, the absence of Yala's presence casting a shadow over their little gathering.

As the echoes of Yala's departure reverberated in the air, Aris couldn't shake the feeling that a piece of him had left with her, and the days ahead seemed even more daunting than before.


Yup guys that's it for this chapter

Watcha think about Aris's family? 

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¸.•♥•.¸I LOVE YOU¸.•♥•.¸

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