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In the aftermath of that moonlit night, Yala and Aris found themselves bound by an unbreakable bond, a connection that transcended distance and time. It was more than just friendship; it was a deep and profound love that had taken root in their hearts. They couldn't help but feel each other's emotions and thoughts, even when they were apart. It was as if their hearts beat as one, forever intertwined.

As the weeks passed, Yala stayed with Grandma Ursula in the dark realm to recover from her injury. During this time, they devised a daring plan to meet in secret. It was risky, but their hearts yearned to be together, and they were willing to take the chance.

Under the shroud of night, Yala slipped away from the safety of her room and ventured into the dark woods, guided only by the moon's gentle glow. Her heart pounded in her chest as she made her way to the predetermined meeting spot.

There, amidst the ancient trees and hushed whispers of nature, Yala saw Aris waiting for her. Without a moment's hesitation, she ran into his arms, seeking the comfort and warmth only he could provide. Aris held her close, his embrace a sanctuary from the turmoil of their worlds.

As they strolled together, their steps falling in sync, they exchanged stories of their worlds and shared dreams for the future. Each word was wrapped in a cocoon of trust and affection, and they revealed in the comfort of each other's company.

The night breeze caressed their faces, carrying the scent of wildflowers and freedom. It was in these stolen moments that Yala and Aris truly felt alive, away from the burdens of their past and the expectations of their people. They found solace in each other, a sanctuary amidst the chaos.

"Yala," Aris said softly, his gaze never leaving hers. "I never thought I would find someone like you in this world of ours. Your bravery and compassion inspire me every day."

Yala blushed, her heart dancing to the rhythm of his words. "And you, Aris, have shown me a side of the dark realm I never knew existed. I used to think darkness meant evil, but you've proven me wrong."

Aris chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, not all of us devils are as dark as they say. I guess you could say I'm the exception."

Yala playfully nudged him, a smile spreading across her lips. "Maybe you are, but I'm glad I met you."

Time seemed to stretch in those moments, as if the night itself conspired to give them more time together. But like all precious moments, it had to come to an end.

As the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon, they knew they had to part ways before they were discovered. Reluctantly, they said their goodbyes, their hands lingering for just a moment longer before they let go.

As the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon, they knew they had to part ways before they were discovered. 

But fate had other plans for them that night. As they talked, the warmth of their bond and the serenity of the night overpowered them. Yala found herself leaning against Aris's shoulder, feeling safe and protected in his presence. With a gentle kiss on her forehead, Aris watched over her as she drifted into sleep.

In the embrace of dreams, Yala felt a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. Aris, too, allowed himself to surrender to slumber, his heart at peace with Yala by his side.

= ̄ω ̄=

thx ya'll for reading this chapter

Sky Children of the Dark (Sky COTL fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora