D͓̽e͓̽s͓̽p͓̽e͓̽r͓̽a͓̽t͓̽e͓̽ ͓̽R͓̽e͓̽t͓̽r͓̽e͓̽a͓̽t͓̽

18 1 0

As chaos engulfs the village, Aris and the brave villagers engage in a fierce battle against the overwhelming creatures of darkness. Yala, still nursing her injuries, finds herself amidst the villagers, determined to blend in and survive the onslaught.

The air is thick with tension as the villagers fight valiantly, their weapons clashing with the eerie growls and screeches of the creatures. The darkness seems relentless, its forces seemingly endless in their pursuit. Aris, leading the charge, realizes the futility of their fight and makes a quick decision.

With urgency in his voice, Aris shouts to his comrades, "Retreat, kin! We can't hold 'em back any longer. Find cover and regroup!" He scans the area, his eyes landing on Yala. "Stick with us. Find a hidin' spot and stay safe. We'll protect you till this mess is over."

Yala's heart races as she hears Aris's words. The mixture of gratitude and resentment swirls within her, torn between the safety the villagers offer and her burning desire for revenge. (My girl! Still thinking about revenge, tch tch tch) Reluctantly, she follows the retreating villagers, blending into their ranks and seeking refuge wherever they find shelter.

As the villagers navigate the treacherous terrain, Yala finds herself in the midst of the chaos, moving with them as they search for a hiding spot. Fear and determination fill the air as they scramble to find cover from the pursuing darkness.

Amidst the scramble, a voice rises from the crowd, filled with anger and frustration. "Aris, why'd ya bring her here? She's from the light side! Who knows what trouble she'll bring upon us!" The voice belongs to Thalia, a seasoned warrior known for her outspoken nature.

A tense silence settles over the group as Thalia's words hang in the air. The gaze of the villagers shifts towards Aris, waiting for his response, their faces a mix of concern and curiosity.

Aris, standing tall amidst the scrutiny, meets Thalia's gaze with a calm determination. 

"Thalia, I get yer concern, but Yala is injured and seekin' refuge. We can't turn our backs on someone in need, regardless of their origins. We'll keep an eye on her, ensure she don't pose a threat. Once the danger has passed, we'll address our differences."

Thalia's anger simmers, but she begrudgingly accepts Aris's explanation. The urgency of the situation overrides personal grievances, and she reluctantly turns her attention back to the task at hand. The villagers, albeit still wary, continue their search for a safe hiding spot.

Yala, observing the exchange, feels a mix of gratitude and guilt. The villagers doubts and suspicions are understandable, considering the circumstances. While she resents being viewed as an outsider, she understands the need to prove herself.

Together, they find a hiding spot, nestled within the dense foliage of the forest. Yala's wounded body aches, but she focuses on remaining silent and invisible, blending into the shadows cast by the trees. The villagers huddle close, their breaths held in anticipation, waiting for the darkness to pass.

Aris, still leading the villagers, approaches Yala once more. His voice is softer this time, an attempt to bridge the divide between them. "We're all fightin' for our lives here, Yala. Let's put our differences aside, even if just for now. We'll find a way to reconcile when the time is right. Until then, focus."

Hi guys what do you think about the chapter?

I added a accent diffrence to the COTD, what do you think? Should it stay? or should I go back to the old version?

Thx for reading the chapter


Sky Children of the Dark (Sky COTL fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin