Chp 13:

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It had been a little over one week since my father had disclosed his plans to flee; without realizing he had told on himself that is. While I sit in the middle of a coffee shop that would easily appease to the Hipster and Grunge crowd and it was a Friday morning at eight a.m..

I made the impromptu decision to call off of work because my brain felt like mush and I desperately needed a 'me' day, so I sip my caramel latte that I ordered to be hot rather than my usual which is iced and I type with a quickness on my MacBook Air.

My eyes scanning each word that I type, and I make sure to re-read them all before I move down to the next line. I had put off writing for months, and I had finally pulled myself out of my writers block funk as I create the story that I planned on publishing, eventually.

My characters were in a way, a reflection of me. I took the tiniest pieces of myself and wove them into the foundation that I had set for them and it was the best form of therapy. Even if I did over exaggerate the details I had given to each one.

While my AirPods rest in both of my ears, and the beautiful notes from the song I was listening to drift in an out of my eardrums. The song Bones by Wens plays and I shut my eyes momentarily as I listen to the beat.

But I'm snapped back to reality when a hand softly touches the upper part of my back and I look over my shoulder to my left when a familiar face takes a seat next to me.


He places his drink down and then he sets a small white ceramic plate down in front of me, it has an orange scone on it and my eyes soften as my lips lift into a warm smile. "You haven't had anything this morning so far. So, eat." He tells me in a low and serious tone, which honestly turned me on. "Thank you. I will." I tell him as he sips his black iced coffee and he opens his MacBook back up.

We decided to come here together, the only difference was that he was getting actual work done and I was just enjoying his company. He had been in frequent contact with his different connections about my father and for now, his case was placed on hold.

So he had begun another one.

I felt incredibly conflicted on my emotions regrading the entire situation. I did however reach out to both of my brothers and I told them what was going on. Our blue and gray text bubbles were all sporadic with different types of responses coming from myself and my siblings.

'I'm glad that he's being charged. It's about damn time that his ass gets what was meant for him.' Says Silas.

'I agree with Si. He gets no compassion from me. The damage has been done.' says Sean next. In fairness, I fully understood where my siblings were coming from. 'That's valid. Will you both meet me for dinner tomorrow night?' I ask.

I found out that Sean had now lived only fifteen minutes outside of the city in a suburb with his girlfriend, and I was determined to not allow my brothers and I to continue to cast each other out. 'Yeah, we can do that.' Replies Silas.

'I'm down. Just pick the time and the place and I'll show up in my best fit.'

I smirk and laugh to myself at Sean's reply. Sean had always been the least serious one in our family. Though maybe it had to do with the fact that he was the youngest out of us three.

I copy and paste the address for a bar into our text thread before clicking send and then exiting out of our text messages. That's when I notice Deacon has removed one of his AirPod's as he looks at me. "What're your thoughts on joining me for dinner with my parents tonight?" He asks me abruptly and my eyes widen.

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