Chp 1:

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I sat at my desk, listening to coworker after coworker complain over an over again about their job or the work day or their pay or management.

And I felt my brain wanting to just melt. It was draining to listen to; but at least I had one tolerable person to be around.

Lara approaches my desk and sits in the chair in front of it, giving me a warm smile. "So how you like it?" She asks me as she sips her iced coffee out of her over priced stainless steel tumbler.

"Like what?"

Her eyes roll at my remark. "The pendulum?"

"I haven't used it...don't really know how and I don't really feel like conjuring up anything." Her glare could cut through glass as she looks at me.

"First of won't. Secondly I told you to check Google and YouTube!"

"I know, I know." Truth was I was a little apprehensive of it.
"Do you want me to come over and show you how to use it tonight?"

I sigh. "No I'm good...I mean if you want but I'm good." , "It's settled then I'll come over tonight. Besides I need somebody to rant to about Cole's mother. You ever heard of a monster-in-law?" I try my best to listen to Lara but I find myself zoning out.

A thought crosses my mind; I hadn't seen my neighbor for a few days and for some reason I found myself kind of bummed. Granted I left for work before seven-thirty every morning.

No sane person would want to be up at that time.

"Mari! Hello!" Lara snaps her fingers directly in my face and I look back at her. "Shit, sorry."

Lara and I had been friends since we were both seniors in high school and had maintained a friendship even after we graduated college and moved into the city. Which was a rarity these days; solid friendships that is.

Then we landed jobs at the exact same place and ended up living a few blocks down from the other. She was definitely meant to be my platonic soulmate.

"What's got you so distracted?" She asks me.

"More like what doesn't?" She nods and immediately stands up as soon as we both hear the sound of footsteps coming towards us.

"Text me what time to come by." She leaves my desk swiftly and right before our manager rounds the corner and makes direct eye contact with me.

"What did I tell you about making conversation with others?" He snaps at me and throws a few pieces of paper down onto my desk aggressively then keeps walking.

I fucking hated that man. And I didn't love using the term 'hate' but I felt a level of hatred for my boss. He was rude, sexist, cold hearted, the list just went on.

And he was one of the copious reasons why I needed out of this company so badly.
But it just kept seeming like I kept hitting a dead end with my job search.

I look at the pieces of paper he threw on my desk and I sigh as I push them to the side, to collect dust with the other papers he threw at me yesterday. I would tend to them later on. I already had so much to do.

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