Chp 14:

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We walk inside this overpriced American styled bistro in the heart of the city and we get led out to the back patio where they've got string lights hung above the scattered tables and chairs and a live band playing soft Jazz on a small stage that was pushed just off to the corner.

I feel my pulse increase as I make eye contact with my parents. I hadn't seen them in person in over three years, yet neither of them had aged much more than just a few extra gray hairs on their heads. 

They both rise to their feet and my mother gives us a bright smile as she extends her arms out, "Mom...Dad..." I say as she embraces me in a hug that feels like an eternity as she engulfs me in her arms. It was warm and filled with love, and I return it. As we end our embrace her bright hazel eyes meet with Samara's and she goes in for a hug with her next.

"Samara, it's so nice to meet you." Says my mother, her arms wrapping around Mari and Mari returning the hug too, a smile on her face and I feel a sense of peace rush over my body in this moment. My dad walks around my mother as he extends his hand out for me to shake.  He gives me a brief hug and a pat on my shoulder. "It's good to see you son." He tells me.

My lips lift into a half smile and I give one nod of my head. "You as well, it's good to see you both. You both look well." I tell them as I watch Samara now shakes hands with my father and they motion for us to sit.

 She sits on my right and just across from my mother; as I place my arm around the back of Samara's chair. "I just can't believe this. Truth be told, I didn't know when we would see or hear from you again darling." I look my mom in the eyes and Samara softly touches my upper thigh briefly. Likely in an attempt to console me.

"You have tattoos now?" Remarks my mother as her deep ocean colored eyes begin examining my visible forearms. "How does that work with your profession?" She asks as she rests back into her seat and holds her Martini glass out to the side. There was a silent look of judgement smeared across her face.She was silently critical and while the general population wouldn't quite see it that way; I knew how she could be.

"It works just fine, my abilities aren't hindered by the ink on my arms." My eyes lock with both of their faces as Samara nudges me with the side of her leg under the table. "I never said they were, honey." She says and I sigh softly.

"How long have you both been an item?" She asks abruptly changing the topic and pointing back and forth between the two of us. "Uh, we-" Samara goes to speak but I cut her off. "We've been together for a month." I say and she looks to her side at me.

"It must be pretty serious between you two then, huh?" Asks my father now. "What makes you say that?" Samara asks. "Well, forgive my forwardness but my son has never been the type to bring a partner around for us to meet." I pinch the bridge of my nose and Samara's eyes light up as she smirks.

"So I've been told." She follows up.

"Samara, what do you do for work?", "I work for an advertising agency as an assistant editor." My mom sips her cocktail and nods her head slowly. 

The evening continues on like this, question after question back and forth between all four of us and by the time dinner has concluded I am more than thrilled to leave. I felt like I had been interrogated just enough. Right before leaving I watch as my mother and Samara shockingly exchange phone numbers, we give our hugs and then we part ways. And as we walk back to the spot where I parked my car, I sense an uneasy feeling creep up the back of my neck. 

I look over my shoulder as we walk, it was pitch black out and not a soul insight. Dimly lit street lights stood tall throughout the vast majority of the road but I felt eyes on me and I couldn't figure out where. 

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