Chapter 9

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Prapai's POV

After dinner, I took my son to bed. He's sleeping in my arms snuggled into me. But I couldn't sleep....the only thought running in my head is Sky....I still can't believe I met my sky ...I hugged him....he hugged me, talked to me..... He's as beautiful as before but seems like he lost weight. But how did he end up with Phayu..... Are they really together.... Phayu said he loves him so much..... and it's very obvious..... Does Sky also loves him..... the way they held eachothers hands and went to phayu's room, it looked so natural. Sky was very comfortable with him and now sleeping in his room in his bed with Phayu....The moment I thought I got my Sky back, the very next moment I lost him.....

I couldn't look into his eyes  when Venice said I'm a Theerapanyakul, he felt betrayed and it's obvious he looked hurt. I can't forgive myself....I hurt him so much.....I had hurt him years ago and I'm hurting him even now...... only if I had told him that day how much I love him..... only if I had said that he was loved too, I wouldn't have lost's all my fault everything turned out like this.....I regret every second for not telling the truth to Sky.....



Prapai's POV

I woke up and saw Sky is sleeping like a kitten wrapped in my arms. He looks so cute and innocent. I had slept in the same bed so many times with Sky, but today it feels so different. Everything feels different. I can't describe in words how happy I am since last night. I felt loved. Sky loves me and he didn't hide it. He showed me how much he loves me, how much he wants me. Whatever happened last night wasn't sex. It's beyond that. It felt like my first time. I want that feeling forever. I want that only with my sky, and I'm sure I can't feel it with anyone else. I have to tell my feelings to Sky, about who I am what I am. I don't want to keep any secret from him anymore. I want to start my relationship without any secrets. I will tell Sky everything but my sky doesn't deserve a simple proposal. I want to make him feel special. First I'll prepare a surprise for him then I'll propose him.

I pressed a kiss on his forehead and he stirred because of it. I immediately closed my eyes when he slowly opened his. I can feel he lifted his head from my chest and removed my hair strands with his fingers then he said while caressing my face " Finally it's not a dream anymore,  I don't want this to end phi....I love you so much.... I never want to lose you " . He kissed my eyes, my forehead and then lips. Then again he snuggled into me. I tried hard not to let my tears fall. How lucky I am to receive this much love.

We stayed like that for sometime. Sky tried to get up.

" Ahhhhhhh!!!!"  I heard sky's scream and immediately reacted

" What happened Sky?? Why did you scream??"

"  Nothing phi.....Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you " he moved from me and coverd himself with blanket

" It's fine....but why --"  now I understood

" You are having pain down there??"

" Phi!!!" Sky slapped me on my hand and hides in blanket

" Come here I'll take you to bathroom ''  I tried to remove blanket

" No!! I can go myself " he shouts but I swiftly removed it

" Why are you feeling shy?? I already saw everything last night " he covered his face with his hands which is red as tomato. I lifted him and carried to bathroom.

It's almost afternoon. I saw Pa's missed calls and decided to call him later. I ordered food and medicines and went to the bathroom to join my Sky. I got scolded for that but I don't mind. We showered together. I carried him again to the bedroom and dressed him. After I get dressed we both ate and I gave medicines to Sky. I laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket.

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